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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 636

Penny remembered that they were so happy, so carefree back then, thinking about it, she unconsciously raised her corner of mouth. But when she got back to reality, the radian of her mouth disappeared.

There were still four of them, and all three of them had good prospects, good careers, and good lives, but she was a criminal, making a mess of her life and not even seeing the future.

“I'm full.”

Thinking of this, Penny suddenly had a feeling of shame, so she got up and left.

She felt that she was out of her league with the three, that she had nothing in common with them.

Three people's memories and three people's smiles, because of Penny's sudden departure, came to an abrupt halt. One looked at the other, but no one spoke to Penny for fear that she would be angry.

After lunch, Daenerys left because she missed her kid. When she left, she asked Winnie to go with her, but Winnie wanted to stay.

Daenerys had to ask Oscar to pay attention to the safety of Winnie.

After Daenerys left, Penny went to her room to take a nap, While Winnie and Oscar stayed in the living room.

“Go to sleep if you're tired.”

Winnie sat on the sofa while working on her laptop, talking with Oscar.

“I won't sleep. Daenerys told me to keep you safe. I can't leave you to sleep alone.”

Oscar was lying on the sofa. A little tired, but not sleepy, he had not a habit of napping.

“Daenerys is too cautious. I think I'll be fine.”

Winnie was not so sure actually, but she was not as cautious as Daenerys.

“Daenerys was right to be careful.”

Oscar agreeed with Daenerys' idea. Discretion would do everyone good.

“By the way, how is Penny doing these two days?”

Since they were not sleeping, they would have a talk. From the morning to now, Winnie did not have the opportunity to ask Penny's situation.

“She is ok. I think this is the god's love for her. Other cancer patients could not stand the pain in the terminal stage, but she could stand it now. When she has a stomachache, the medicine the doctor prescribed will make her better.”

Oscar observed Penny carefully every day, fortunately, her reaction was not big, otherwise she would be anxious.

“Is she good in spirits?”

Winnie continued to ask, she thought the same as Oscar. She felt that Penny was the object of god's mercy. Although it ended her life early, it was a blessing that it ended without pain.

“Yes, much better than we expected. It may have something to do with her not knowing the truth.”

As he said this, Oscar lowered his voice and looked up at Penny's room on the second floor, making sure she couldn't hear him before he continued.

“It is good. Keep concealing it since she does not know. Being in good spirits will do her good.”

“Yes, hide as much as you can.”

Winnie agreed.

“Oscar, there's something I have to tell you.”

Winnie also lowered her volume, also making sure that Penny could not hear her before she continued.

“Her father is a suspect in the murder and the police do not rule out that Penny will contact her father. So you must be careful and do not confront his father if he comes here.”

Winnie was worried about Oscar, so she reminded him to be careful.

“Yeah, I know.”

Oscar would be careful, but he felt that Penny would protect him even if her father tried to hurt him. So he didn't have to worry too much.

Winnie went home before dinner, because she had to cook for Vanessa. Back home, she began to cook and refused Vanessa’s help.

Before the meal, they heard the sound of entering the password. Winnie guessed that the two kids came back.

What she did not expect was that the person who sent her kids back was Brian.

She looked at Brian in surprise. He said they could not see each other when there was nothing important happened, even the kids' things were dealt with by Stella.

“What are you doing here?”

Winnie forced herself to ask calmly.

“I have something to tell you.”

Brian did not hide his intention and walked in directly.

“Mom, we haven't had dinner yet, have you had the dinner ready?”

Megan had smelled the delicious food.

“Yes, it's ready. Go ahead and eat.”

Winnie asked the kids to eat, but did not invite Brian. She would not do it again after what she learned last time.

But Megan said.

“Dad hasn't eaten either. Let's eat.”

“I am not hungry.”


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