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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 641

Isobel said that controlling her emotions. At this moment she really wanted to cry and wanted to say sorry to everyone. If it wasn't for her, it wouldn't have caused so much misery.

After the phone call, Isobel was worried no matter how she comforted herself. She was so tired that she could hardly keep her eyes open, but she could not sleep soundly.

Finally she called Rufus.

"Isobel, how are you?"

Rufus picked up the phone and asked eagerly.

"I am ok."

"I just heard the kids said that Brian and Winwin had broken up, is that right?"

Isobel asked, hoping the she could have a different from Rufus, so that she would be less worried.


Rufus’s answer let Isobel down.


Isobel sighed deeply at first.

"I thought that if I was away, Brian could take good care of Winwin, Vanessa and two kids. I didn't expect that..."

"Forget it, never mind. They are not going to work out anyway. It's better for them to break up early."

Isobel said hopelessly. She was not only worried about the living conditions of the kids, but also worried about Winnie’s emotional pain. Over the phone, she even dared not comfort Winnie, for fear that Winnie would break down in face the kids.

She was experienced, so she could feel that Winnie was sad to be separated from the one she loved. Her heart must be painful as someone cut on it.

"I'm sorry, Isobel, for making you worry about Winnie. It's my fault. I didn't control my son. But you can rest assured that I will take good care of them and make sure that they will not be hurt."

Rufus felt guilty to Isobel. He always made a mistake when she needed him.

"It is ok, I should have taken care of my kids myself. But I am so far away that I must ask you to take care of them now."

"Rufus, I don't ask for anything else. Just keep my kids safe, even if they suffer a little injustice."

Isobel said in a choked voice. She was really worried that Winnie could not hold on it. She wanted to fly back immediately, but she was an army doctor on duty and she was in charge, so under no circumstances could she go back at that time.

"Don't worry, don't worry. I certainly will guarantee their safety and I will not let them suffer injustice. You don't have to worry about your family. You just have to do your job well and come back safe."

Rufus heard Isobel’s voice trembling, so he knew she was worried. Knowing that she cried, Rufus was in more remorse, and at the moment he did not know how to appease her.

"Don't worry about me. I'll take care of myself. I'll be relieved if you take care of them."

Isobel tried to control her mood. Even if she felt it difficult, she did not want show her weak side to Rufus.

"Why did they break up?"

Isobel wanted to ask Winnie this question, but afraid that Winnie would be sad, so she did not ask Winnie, though she wanted to know about it

Rufus knew the reason. But he didn't want to tell Isobel at the moment, lest she worried more.

"They didn't say anything about it. They just told us it was over. Wait till they both calm down, and we'll see."

In fact, Rufus planned to tell her the reason when she came back, so that she could feel at ease with the work.

To the reason that they broke up, Rufus did not believe it. Isobel would not accept it. She would not believe that her niece did such a thing, would fight tooth and nail to prove her niece's innocence.

"Well, you must let me know. Please take care of them."


This time, Isobel's attitude was much better than before, at least she said goodbye before hanging up the phone.

Rufus could not help but sigh after putting down the phone.

He tried to fix things, but things seemed to be getting worse. Winnie and Brian separated, and the custody of the kids was Winnie’s. Would they leave?

Once they left, his life would lose its color and he would feel lonely for the rest of his life. The most important thing was that Brian would be sad forever.

He had lost his mother who was the most important to him, which had made his pain still deep to this day. If he lost Winnie and his kids, he must be sadder.

After much thought, he felt it would be wise to find a solution that would hurt everyone less.

This path, however, was fraught with difficulties and would be subject to change depending on how things turned out, which meant everything was up in the air.

On Sunday, Vanessa went to the library to find materials, Winnie stayed at home with her kids.

As she put the kids’ and Vanessa's dirty clothes to wash, she received a call from the police.

There was an urgent task, but she could not call Vanessa back. After discussing with the two kids, Winnie sent the two kids to the suburbs.

"Rufus, I have emergency to deal with, please take care of the kids. I'm really sorry I didn't let you rest on the weekend."


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