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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 659

Jonny was retorting, Wendy was a little worried and eagerly offered an exchange. Five million was no problem for her, and it was worth it to change a child.

Jonny didn't retort her, and he thought for a moment.

"Okay, Anna will live with you."

"You can't see her in you life."

This was Wendy's request, only then could Jonny not bother them.

"Wendy, you are ruthless. She is my daughter. You don't let me see her."

Jonny stared at Wendy angrily. Although he was still uncomfortable that he gave Anna to Wendy for five million dollars. After all, it was his child.

Now Wendy asked him to never see her again, which meant he would completely lose her daughter. Even if he was cold-blooded, it was difficult for him to accept it.

"With you, the child will only fall into a wrong path. This is the condition of five million in exchange. Do you agree?"

Wendy pressed Jonny and gave him no other options.

"Well, I won't see her anymore."

Jonny agreed, but only temporarily. After a long time, when Wendy's hatred for faded, she would let him look after the child. The most important thing was that it was not convenient for him to take the child.

"Go upstairs to get your luggage and leave now."

Wendy's heart was relieved. No matter what she had to face with the child, at least she had gotten rid of Jonny, and she wouldn't have to be humiliated and scolded by him in the future.

Zoe, Wendy, and the two fake policemen, had been downstairs waiting for Jonny to get his luggage down.

Jonny walked to the door, and Zoe gave him another warning not to be presumptuous.

"Jonny, I will keep all evidence. I also have a video of today's conversation. As long as you dare to play tricks, as long as you dare to appear in front of our family, don't blame me for being polite."

"Get out of here now."

Zoe must remind that people like Jonny cannot be easily believed.

After Jonny left, Zoe also took the child and Wendy home.

Winnie was still on vacation, and there was about a week left. She wanted to travel, but was anxious to make the software the police station needed done.

In the end, work still prevailed and she chose to stay and work.

From becoming a police officer to the present, she had not formally worked in the police station. Although she had studied law, she still didn't know much about the working systems of the police station.

So, she would work in the police station for the rest of the week, familiarizing herself with various processes and developing software at the same time.

Winnie found it easier to work at the police station, much better than dealing with Brian every day.

Winnie had her own office, absolute privacy, and was in an absolutely quiet environment. When working, no one could hinder her, and even the leader must greet her in advance. It could be seen that the emphasis on her work.

Now the leader was in Winnie's office, and the they were talking about the newly developed software

"How long do you need, Office Chambers?"

The leader seemed to be in urgent need of Winnie to make achievements, and had been asking when the results would be produced.

"Soon, I will try to give you the finished product within this week."

Winnie replied confidently to the leader. If there was no accident to occupy her time this week, her first battle was about to be won..

"Then can you tell me what kind of software it is now?"

The leader couldn't wait. He put all his hopes on Winnie.

"Yes, I can tell you now. It's actually a mobile tracking software."

Winnie had always been confidential about this software and had not mentioned it to anyone. But the leader asked about it, and it was about to succeed, so it didn't matter to talk about it.

"Mobile tracking software? There are a lot of tracking software now."

The leader had some doubts, the success rate of so many tracking software was not very high. He didn't know what was novel about Winnie's.

"Ordinary mobile tracking software can't compare this one. This is fingerprint recognition tracking. No matter whether the phone is turned on or not, even if the user turns off the tracking function, as long as the phone is powered, as long as the user touches the fingerprint button, I can track its exact location."

Winnie said confidently, because there was no such tracking software on the market.

"Oh, it's interesting, let's talk about it in detail."

The leader raised an interest, she wanted to see why Winnie was so confident.

"Well. I made it based on the feature that all our credentials now have fingerprint collection. Now almost everyone in the entire country has fingerprints for the record."

"After this software is implanted in the phone, as long as the criminal touches the fingerprint key, no matter where he is, my software can successfully locate him. Of course we can't require everyone to use fingerprints key to turn on their phones. Therefore, using this software is not certainly able to catch prisoners."

Winnie explained the matter in simple language as much as possible, fearing that the leader would not be able to understand it. The leader put forward his own thoughts after thinking.

"Not everyone uses fingerprints to unlock their phones. Yo do not have to worry about this. If this software can be made successfully, our chances of catching prisoners will be greatly increased."

"But I am a little confused. How do you install these software into others' phones? Do you want to tell every phone manufacturer? But if there are too many people who know it, it will inevitably leak out. When the prisoner knew, no one would unlock their phones with fingerprints."

Winnie listened to the leader's question and smiled confidently.

"Leader, you don't have to worry about this. I put confidentiality work first. I will put this software into two social apps. These two social apps now have almost 100% national coverage. As long as the prisoners have these two apps in their phones, I can locate them."


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