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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 680

Klara saw a luxury car driving into the parking lot of the restaurant, and then fixed her eyes on it, thinking which rich man could have such a car. And then she saw Jonny getting off the car from the car like a gentleman. The imposing manner could only be seen in Brian or Leo.

Klara suddenly was stunned and had an evil idea.

Her life would have been perfect if she could have found such a man.

What was more, foreigners had always been unfettered. They can marry the same sex or transgendered, and those with kids like her were not a problem, nor would they be discriminated against.

There was no evil place, and Klara was happy to have such thought.

Seeing Jonny walking into the restaurant, Klara sat down calmly.

"Klara, you are already here. I thought I was early. Sorry!"

Jonny showed that he was surprised to see Klara, in fact, he had seen Klara's car outside.

"I did get here a little early. I came straight from work. Please sit down, Mr. Jonny."

Klara said softly, completely different from her attitude at noon.

"Ok, Let's order first and then talk."

Then Jonny asked the waiter to come and they ordered.

Jonny had always been a gentleman, noble, which made.Klara show a look of appreciation.

After ordering, the two of them start chatting while waiting for their meal.

"Mr. Jonny..."

"Ah... Don't call me like that. Just call me Jonny. You are Wendy's friend. You don't have to be polite with me."

Klara was interrupted by Jonny, who showed a warm and uninhibited side.

"Well, I'll call you Jonny. Jonny, I want to know how did you know that Wendy and I are good friends?"

Klara needed to understand everything bit by bit. She had time now anyway.

"Right I haven't told you yet. I'd forget if you didn't ask. I know that you and Wendy are good friends only when I had people following her, and I know your name, and I know that you are close to her. That's why I came to you to ask for your help."

"I'm sorry for being disrespectful to you. I really am."

Jonny even apologized very sincerely, but let Klara feel the happiness of being respected.

Jonny was completely different from Brian, who treated her like a superior,. And every time he communicated with her, not only the tone was cold and the attitude was condescending.

That kind of feeling had invisible sense of oppression, which made her dare not breathe.

Jonny, on the other hand, was so modest and polite that he comes across as approachable.

"Well, there's nothing to be sorry about."

Klara smiled faintly.

"So you can help me?"

Jonny took the opportunity to advance, so that Klara would not refuse.

"I don't know exactly how, so I'm not sure if I can help."

Klara still did not give a positive answer, after all, she did not very understand Jonny.

"I trust you you can help me. I found someone to draw up a wire-hunting plan, I want to let our love have a beautiful beginning, romantic experience, and good ending. I want to give her memories that she will never forget."

Jonny said aesthetically, everything had not started, but the happiness on his face had envied Klara.

Jonny went on.

"You and Wendy are best friends, and you know best what she likes and doesn't like. So when my wire-hunting plan comes out, you can help me see where it doesn't fit and then give me some ideas. I could use your help with some of the implementation. That's something I think you can do."

"Of course, you will take the credit I and Wendy are together, we will not forget your good."

Jonny hinted that he would offer benefits to make Klara trust him more.

"I think I can help you with that, but I'm not sure it'll work."

Klara still gave an uncertain answer, but Jonny did not care, he took Klara said yes.

"No problem, I have confidence, do you have nothing to be afraid. I will thank you whether I succeed or not, and if you ever need help, I will do my best."

As Jonny spoke, the waiter began to serve the food, and the two of them began to eat and talk...

On Thursday, Winnie did her fitness, Emily had evening class, Daenerys waited for two people to go out for dinner.

Winnie finished the fitness first and drove to Emily’s school with Daenerys. The air was fine because it had just rained. Two men were talking at the gate of the school while they were waiting.

"How long is Emily’s class? I am hungry."

Winnie said while looking at the time. She had never wanted to eat more than she did now.

"It should be finished soon. Time is up."

"Right, isn’t Leo coming? Is there his position?"

Daenerys asked Winnie. Seeing Winnie was hungry, she was worried.


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