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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 682

Emily's resentment was not because of Winnie, but because Brian abandoned Winnie, but Winnie still loved Brian. What did he do for Winnie, why he was loved by Winnie?

"I will, but little by little. I'm not gonna let him influence me forever. Understand, both of you, as if you don't know anything, not even tell your husband or boyfriend. I promise to share everything with you in the future."

Winnie had to remind two bestie, if possible she wanted to let Brian not know about it for a lifetime.

"We respect you and won't tell anyone. But you should forget about Brian as soon as possible. Stay out of all his business and as far away from him as possible."

Daenerys knew Winnie and she did not want Winnie to put more things buried in the bottom of her heart because of this matter. No matter what she was going through, whether she could fix it or not, it would be relaxing to say it out.

"Ok, deal."

After reaching an agreement, Winnie did not know whether she could do it. After all, the position Brian occupied in her heart was as impregnable as before.

All people saw she still loved Brian, but no one knew how much she loved Brian. They had been apart for almost four months, and even now she thought of him, she felt sore in her nose.

Perhaps from beginning to end, Brian did not love her, but she loved him with her whole heart.

Who was to blame for separation? It was her had not courage to go on.

Everything about Wendy still shocked Daenerys and Emily, but they let the topic pass. After all, it was between Brian and Wendy, as long as Winnie would not get involved.

"By the way, how did I get home that day at Leo's? I don't remember anything about that day."

Winnie had long wanted to ask this question, but she always forgot it and today it occurred to her.

"Brian sent you home."

Emily answered this question, always felt they could not leave the topic of these men.

"Wasn't he drinking too? How did he send me home?"

Winnie continued to ask, puzzled .

"Albert picked you up."

Emily was not very clear, what she knew was heard from Leo in the next morning.


Winnie tried to recall the things that day. She remembered she called a driver, how Albert sent her? When she concentrated attention to recall, Albert and Brian's figure bit by bit appeared in her mind.

Brian? Driver? She actually took Brian as a proxy driver? When she returned home, she seemed to have some memories of Brian.

So little by little the memory of that day came back to her mind, of course, those words also vaguely were remembered.

Brian had indeed taken her home, and he had heard her own complaints, but he still drove her away from the company. It seemed that he was really afraid of her entanglement.

Winnie drove Daenerys and Emily home before she went home. When she parked the car, she found Brian hovering in front of her house.

"What are you doing here?”

Winnie went to Brian and asked, and she did not mean to open the door.

"I had a dinner date with Wendy that night, but you ruined it. Why do you think I came here? I haven't had dinner yet. What do you think I'm doing here?"

Brian coldly asked Winnie, with no anger and no blame, simply wanted to take the opportunity to see Winnie.

"Eat out then. It's late. I..."

"Where can I eat at this late hour? Open the door."

Brian in a domineering way interrupted Winnie. He knew Winnie would ask him to eat out.

"Why open the door? I have no food in my house."

Winnie did not accept the opinion of Brian, did not want to be alone with Brian, or she would have pressure and would suffocate.

However, her objection seemed to have no effect. Brian did not say anything, but grabbed her finger directly to press the fingerprint lock.

Before Winnie had any reaction, the door had been opened. Brian then entered, and pulled Winnie in.


"Just cook instant noodles for me. I will starve to death in your house if I don't have a meal. Then my family will not let you go."

Either way, he wanted to stay longer.


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