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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 69

After a thorough examination, the doctor also breathed a sigh of relief. If Winnie did not wake up, they might be fired.

"Mr. Bennet, she is fine now. Her head may hurt for two days. I will prescribe some medicine for her. It will relieve a lot. She will be fine after a good rest."

"What about trauma? Will the scars on her body and head leave? Scars are easily to leave on her body."

Hearing the doctor said that Winnie was okay, Brian finally relaxed, only then began to care about the trauma.

"The scars may be due to improper disposal. This time we handled them very well. There will be absolutely no scars left."

The doctor said affirmatively. They had already known the importance of this patient to Brian, so they did not dare to be slight over the stuff.

"Can she eat some food now?"

Brian continued to ask.

"She can eat some liquid food."

"Let the bodyguards outside prepare dinner. You all go out."

After the doctors were gone, Brian leaned forward and began to ask.

"Does the head still hurt?"

Although this sentence was not as cold as before, there was still no temperature and no emotion.

Winnie could do nothing with this indifferent man.

"It hurts, but I can hold it back."

Winnie replied softly, looking away from Brian's face.

"Hold it on. Doctors will bring medicine over."

Brian looked at the door anxiously, wishing to the doctor bring the medicine over quickly.

"Who is taking care of the children?"

Winnie was most worried about the children, fearing that Luke would be sent back to Penny’s side because of her injury.

"Don't worry. Daenerys is taking care of them."

Brian's tone was still not warm, but it was already not easy for him to say like this.

"Two children?"

Winnie confirmed.


Brian understood Winnie's meaning and gave an affirmative answer.

"That's good."

Winnie breathed a sigh of relief, and the tight nerves in her head eased a lot.

"Excuse me, tell Megan not to tell my aunt and sister about my injuries. Auntie is getting older. I don't want her to worry about me. My sister is preparing for the college entrance examination. I’m afraid it will affect her."

What Winnie was worried about most at this time was not herself, but her families.

"Now, the children have already fell asleep. I will call Megan tomorrow morning."

Brian expressed helplessness for Winnie's excessive worry.

Although he had never met her aunt nor her sister, he had heard the conversation between Winnie and them. He could feel that her families loved each other.

At this time, the doctor delivered the medicine and told them the dose to be taken. Then, the doctor left.

Winnie wanted to sit up to take medicine, but was stopped by Brian.

"Don't move. The doctor said you can't shake your head too much now."

When Brian was speaking, he took the prepared medicine and water to Winnie's side. He handed the medicine to Winnie's mouth and motioned her to open her mouth.

At this time, Winnie looked dumbfounded, staring straightly at Brian.

She didn't doubt Brian's considerate behavior now. She only suspected that she was not in the reality. She felt what she saw was not true at all.

"Open your mouth."

Brian commanded in a cold voice, which caused Winnie to come to her senses.

Winnie looked down and opened her mouth. She let Brian put the medicine into her mouth.

But at this time, Brian had already reached out to hold Winnie's neck, and then slowly raised Winnie's head.

"Drink water."

This time, Winnie was more obedient. Because the medicine in her mouth was so bitter, she just wanted to vomit.

Winnie drank several sips of water before swallowing the medicine. Then Brian helped Winnie lay down.

"Mr. Bennet, I forgot to tell you that the hospital beds can rise by the remote control, so there is no need to do this."

Winnie said. It seemed that she was teasing, but she was thanking. But Brian's face darkened.

"I'm not so stupid that I don't know that it has this function. When I feed your medicine, just take it. When I feed your water, just drink it. Not every woman can enjoy my service."

Brian knew everything. He simply wanted to take care of her by himself. Not only did Winnie not thank him, but she teased him.

If she had not been lying on the hospital bed at the moment, Brian would have severely punished her.

"Thank you."

Winnie turned her face away, feeling inexplicable warmth.

Just when Winnie turned her face, the door of the ward was pushed open. The bodyguard came back with dinner and put it next to the bed, and then went out quietly.

Brian slowly raised the hospital bed with the remote control, and then raised the folding dining table again.

Then he began to put the dishes on the table one by one.

"Don't move. I’ll feed you."

Brian took a soup ladle to spoon up a little porridge to Winnie's mouth.

"I never thought I still have this kind of treatment. Thank you!"

Winnie opened her mouth and ate the spoonful of loving rice porridge.

When she was eating, she felt moved.

Since the death of her parents, she had become the backbone of the family overnight. She had to take care of her aunt and her sick sister. She had to raise her children. No one had ever cared for her like this.


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