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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 72

Kevin looked at cute and beautiful baby in front of him and felt happy. So, he started to play with Megan.

"How do you know that I am Uncle Kevin?"

"Brother Luke just called you Uncle Kevin and I heard him."

Megan replied wittily while her big quirky eyes were turning around.

"Oh, I didn't expect you to be so clever."

"Thank you for the compliment!"

Megan was praised by Kevin and showed a sweet smile. The dimples of this smile were so cute, just like her mummy.

When Kevin thought of this, he suddenly thought of something and looked at Winnie on the hospital bed.

He naturally thought that this child was Winnie's.

"Is that your mummy?"

Kevin asked Megan.

"Yes, it's my mummy."

Megan replied proudly. Mommy was the most ostentatious person in her life. No matter who mentioned her, she couldn't help showing off.

Kevin thought it was amazing, he guessed it right. But everyone could guess it. The little looked so similar to her mother. It was like the similarity between Luke and Brian.

However, Kevin found that not only the two children had similarities, but there were also many similarities between children and Brian and Winnie.

This little girl...

Oh, he hadn't asked the little girl's name yet.

"What is your name?"

"My name is Megan Chambers."

"Megan Chambers? With your mummy's last name."

Kevin continued the analysis.

This little girl named Megan Chambers had a nose and ears shaped like Brian. And it could also see Winnie's shadow from Luke's facial features.

How was this going? Could it be...

"Brian, how great you are. You even hide it from me. She has babies for you, and you have hidden her for so many years. The most hateful thing is that even the child is not allowed to have your surname? You are great. Parbleu."

Kevin suddenly turned around and started teasing Brian.

After all this was connected, it was not difficult to guess the truth.

Brian must have been in love with Winnie for a long time, if it weren't for two consecutive accidents, he would still be kept in the dark.

"What are you talking nonsense? Have you used your imagination again? Don't mess around here, and quickly prescribe medicine."

"Ah, why don't you dare to admit it. Those two children look so similar, and Megan also has you..."

This time Brian no longer gave Kevin a chance to stay. He just picked up Kevin and pushed him out, so that Kevin had no chance to finish his words.

And Winnie, who was lying on the hospital bed, also broke out in a cold sweat. If Kevin continued to talk about it, Brian would definitely be suspicious.

Brian was worried and followed Kevin directly to get the medicine. When he returned, he called Felix outside the ward.

Brian told Felix about Winnie's car accident and the fact that the children were left unattended.

" You're still in touch with her?"

Felix asked in deep voice, seemingly dissatisfied.

"No, she has no relatives here. She can't leave it alone, and she is still taking care of Luke."

For Winnie, Brian could only lie to Grandpa.

"You can let Penny take care of the children, why should you send them to me?"

Felix asked puzzledly.

There was no problem with the children coming to him, but he didn't understand why Winnie didn't let Luke contact his "natural mother".

"Grandpa, there are some things that I will tell you when I have time. Luke's care is something I promised her. I have to do what she wants. She won't let Luke go home. Now she trusts you to take care of the two children."

What Brian could say was only a rough idea, he hoped his grandpa could understand it.

"Where are you going? When will you leave?"

Felix suddenly changed the subject, but he didn't let go of Winnie's doubts.

"Go to M Country. I will leave right away. There is a problem on the branch office and I must solve it."

Brian was talking while looking at his watch. He was a little anxious. He wanted to tell Winnie about some things, and he wanted to spend as much time with Winnie as possible.

"OK, I will let Butler pick up the two children."

The call finally ended, and Brian hurried back to the ward.

"Remember to take your medicine on time and don't wait for it to hurt."

Brian said in a low voice, not as angry as he was just now.

"I've already called Grandpa, and Butler will be here soon. Don't worry that you leave the children with grandpa during this time."

"Call Kevin for anything. He will be in the hospital these days."

The phone rang after Brian finished speaking.

"I'm coming."

Brian glanced at Winnie, his gaze included reluctance and worry.

Then he came to Megan and Luke and continued to speak.

"You can't be naughty, and you can't make your great grandpa angry. Luke, you are the older brother, take care of Megan."

"I know, Daddy, I can take care of Megan."

Luke had the spirit of his brother and gave Brian a responsible answer.

"Uncle, where are you going?"

Megan knew that Brian was leaving, and her expression began to be anxious.


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