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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 766

It was not wrong for Brain to take these responsibilities on himself. All of these were caused by his negligence and greed.

"Since you know it, why are you still bothering me? Let me go. Don't ever... show up...again"

"I can't. I can't live without you."

Winnie was interrupted by Brian, even if he knew he was wrong, even if he knew Winnie held grievances, he was inseparable from Winnie.

Without her, his world would be clouded forever.

"Liar... You're lying again. Don't give me that sweet talk, don't say disembodied words. Answer me, what did I do wrong... I just want to know... what I did wrong. I want to know how bad I am to be abandoned by so many people."

Winnie wanted to know the answer, so that she could know what to do in the future.

"Say it... Why don't you say something... What an easy question. Say it, I am telling you to say it..."

Winnie pulled the collar of Brain, shaking hard, she had to have an answer, and then she would know what she should to about her friendship and love.

Brian felt Winnie was emotional, whatever his answer was, it would hurt her heart again.

He could not answer, but Winnie forced him to do so. The only thing that could calm her down at this point was a kiss.

Without hesitation, Brian kissed on Winnie’s red lips, pressing her head with hands, for fear of her resistance.

However, to his surprise, she did not push him away, but responded to him, which delighted him.

Probably they had not had skin-to-skin contact for a long time, probably she had been suppressed, probably she was drunk, Winnie did not refuse Brian’s kiss, but gave response.

Although she was drunk, although she did not know what to say and she kept saying to give up Brain, as soon as she touched Brain, she could not control herself.

Brain wanted to calm Winnie down, and did not want her to stick in the abyss of pain.

He did not dare to expect too much, afraid that Winnie called him despicable, afraid that Winnie said he took her advantage. But her response suddenly ignited his pent-up desire. All his inhibitions were shattered.

A kiss caused a physical battle of passion.

After that, Winnie was tired and fell into asleep.

Brain made her sheets because he knew her bed had to be smooth when she slept. He cleaned her body because he knew she had to take a bath before bed. He did everything in accordance with Winnie's habit, so that she could sleep comfortably.

Winnie did not wake up until three o'clock in the morning because of stomach pain.

By this time her drunkenness had improved.

Because of the pain in her stomach, she woke up with a frown. When she saw Brain sleeping next to her, she was surprised at first and then recalled the scattered memories of the previous night.

But all the memories of the night were not real to her, especially when she realized that she was naked and thought of her skin-to-skin contact with Brain.

At three o'clock in the morning, he was by her side, but Winnie felt he was thousands of miles away. She had lost him, or she never had him.

Winnie got up and wanted to leave, while Brian was still asleep, so she could avoid embarrassment. But as soon as she sat up carefully, she felt a sharp pain in her stomach.

She could not help making a noise.


Realizing that she might wake up Brain, she hurriedly covered her mouth.

She looked sideways at Brain and got out of bed in pain. But who knows, her legs unexpectedly were weak and she directly fell onto the bed.


Winnie issued a painful voice, and she had waked up Brian.

Brian suddenly sat up and saw Winnie sitting on the ground, and he jumped out of bed.

"What is going on? Did you fall, or did you twist your ankle?"

Brian asked, while reaching out to help Winnie.

Winnie felt pain in her foot as she tried to get up.

"Ah... It hurts."

Hearing that, Brian directly picked Winnie up without any hesitation and put her on the bed.

"Let me see where it hurts."

Brain frowned, sweat dripping from his forehead.

"My foot, my foot hurts."

Winnie endured her pain, but she was afraid to cause trouble to Brian. At this time she was entangled.

Seeing that he was anxious, Winnie felt painful in her heart.


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