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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 810

Gloria continued to talk to herself and analyzed.

"Yes, that must be so. Thomas is an old fox and can't bet on me."

"I am stupid, how can I figure it out so late?"

Gloria blamed her stupidity, but fortunately she saw the facts now.

Thomas was still useful, since he did not allow her to make a move to Winnie, she would do as he required, but she had to have her own plan and hide it from Thomas.

Gloria then picked up the phone and called Winnie.

Winnie was off class. She felt strange that Gloria called her.

She picked up the phone after a moment of silence.


Winnie was the first to speak.

"Hello, I'm Gloria."

Gloria’ tone was with sarcasm. Winnie was ready to respond to that


Winnie was waiting for Gloria to speak first.

"Director Chambers, I just hope you can notice the time when you call Brian. We were all in a meeting yesterday and one phone call from you ruined it."

Gloria’s tone was deliberately charming when she addressed the name of Brian.

"My time and our company's time are valuable, let alone Brian's time, which was indeed money, and was measured in seconds. Do you know how much you cost the loss? I don’t think you can afford that."

Gloria’s tone was with sarcasm, but slow. She was not anxious or angry, she wanted to be ironic, so that Winnie would retreat.

"Is that what you're calling to tell me for? Or do you want to tell me that you work with Brian?"

Winnie did not care what Gloria said. Winnie did not like Gloria as her enemy, more do not like her way of showing off.

“Yes, I work with Brian. You know what? I think you're a smart guy, so I'm gonna cut to the quick. I want to go after Brian again, and I want you to know. If you want a challenge, do it openly. If not, don’t call Brian again.”

Gloria told her purpose. She must have been spoiled since childhood and developed her arrogant and domineering attitude.

"I see. You can do that, but I will try to minimize the frequency of my phone calls to Brian, as we have kids, and there is something we need to talk about.”

“I also will check my own time when I call Brian. I can't waste my brain when I make a phone call to him. My time is money, and though it cannot be measured in seconds, it is precious to me."

"I'm going to start making money. Good luck."

Winnie finished speaking in one breath, and then hung up the phone.

She knew new information in this telephone that Gloria began to pursue Brian again, in the way of work. But it had nothing to do with her, Gloria’s call only annoyed Winnie.

She had not made a call to Brian for a long time, she did not expect that her call would be known by Gloria. It was an excuse for Gloria to argue with her.

Winnie gave a wry smile, she did not understand why she became Gloria’s energy though she was far away.

Winnie did not have the mood and energy to think of Gloria, she was worried about Brian. Although Brian would be careful, she was still nervous.

After dinner, she called Oscar and told him the story.

"I don't know what time it is because they were typing on their phones, and then went outside. So keep an eye on her these days and let me know if there's anything wrong."

Winnie had been worried, because she did not know the plan of Wendy and Penny. It was an untimed bomb, maybe it would explode tonight, maybe in 10 or 20 days from now.

She was out of the city and she could not be of help. What she could do was to remind Brian, and ask Oscar for help.

"I'll, don't worry. Penny wanted to ask Brian to her house, but Brian may not come. I think he'll be more careful for your reminder."

Oscar comforted Winnie, knowing that she was anxious.

She had been deeply in love with Brian, but she was hurt, and dare not continue.

"I hope so. I just can't be at peace."

Even if Oscar would help her, she was still worried, afraid that Brian would fall into a trap, which would affect his happiness all his life.

It was the end of the week again, she didn't have to go back to B City actually.

Although Stefan let her go back to discuss the location of the franchise, Winnie knew they could decide in the video conference.

However, using this excuse she still came back, for she would be less worried about Brian.

Winnie did not tell the kids she would be back at a different time, so that Brian would not find out.


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