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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 823

Brian handed the calligraphy teacher's business card to Jack, but he had to remind Jack. He was a person whose temperament was still unstable and immature, and had to be constantly admonished and reminded at all times.

"I'll go, I'll definitely go. Study is a good thing, of course I'll be there."

Jack's heart had gone crazy, but he just didn't dare to resist, didn't dare to say a word back to Brian.

Jack had to follow Brian's arrangement.

He went straight home for dinner after work.

He told his family to have dinner ready before he got home, for he had to eat right away when he got home or it would be too late.

"Eat slowly, you'll choke if you eat so fast."

At the table, Maria reminded Jack as he was wolfing down.

"It'll be too late if I eat slowly."

In reply, Jack chewed his food.

"What's so important that you have to hurry, I never saw you being active when you were in school."

Maria couldn't help but spit, if he studied hard, he would be more capable than Brian.

"Mom, you're right. I'm going to school, and I'll go to my teacher's after dinner and start with elementary knowledge."

Jack was mischievous and naughty.

"What kind of schooling?"

Maria took it seriously.

"Calligraphy, Brian arranged it, he will be angry with me if I refuse."

Jack was helpless about that.

"What do you mean?"

Thomas asked seriously, only because Jack mentioned Brian, making him immediately sensitive.

"I am going to learn calligraphy, Brian arranged for me to learn calligraphy, but I don’t know why."

As soon as Jack's words left, he suddenly looked at Felix pitifully.

"Grandpa, I don't want to stay with him anymore, I want to go to the branch."

Jack took Felix as a savior and begged bitterly.

He was tired of being tied up around Brian, and he wanted to go to the branch, so that he could free and have beautiful women with him.

"This is between you, figure it out for yourselves."

Felix refused, he couldn't interfere with it.

And he knew who the calligraphy teacher was, and who would not just teach Jack calligraphy.

It seems that Brian had made up his mind to drop the Bennet Group.

"Don't leave after dinner. Tell me if you have done something wrong."

Thomas frowned as he ordered. He said euphemistically, wanting Jack to be more specific as a way to analyze Brian's intentions.

"I have no time to chat with you, I have to go now."

With that, Jack put down his chopsticks and got up, then said to his mother.

"Mom, make dinner earlier tomorrow, I'm not even full."

After speaking, Jack left in a hurry. Thomas frowned more and more deeply.

Jack was gone for five hours, and by the time he returned, it was after eleven o'clock at night.

"Did it take so long to learn calligraphy?"

Just as he got out of the car, Jack heard his father's voice.

It was only when he looked back that he saw his father right behind him.

"Calligraphy took three hours, I was hungry, so I have dinner with a friend after that."

Jack answered truthfully, three hours of calligraphy had driven him crazy, if he had been studying for five hours, he might have died in the calligraphy class.

"Come here and I'll talk to you."

Thomas said and turned towards the pavilion, followed by Jack's disgruntled protest.

"Don't be so persistent, okay? Have you been waiting to have a chat with me? Dad, I'm sleepy, I should go to bed. If I am late tomorrow, I will be in trouble."

"Dad, can we talk tomorrow? I'll be home early tomorrow."

"It's a deal, we'll talk tomorrow."

Jack did not want to talk, but as he finished his words, he had been int he pavilion.

"Forget it, just talk."

Jack sat down directly like a prisoner waiting to be sentenced with no room for resistance.

"What exactly is your position at the company?"

Thomas skipped over all the useless gossip and went straight to the point.

"I don't know."

Jack replied blandly.

"You don't know? You don't even know your own position. Which department, which office, which rank, you don't know all these?"


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