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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 85

Brian couldn't understand why Kevin said so. He looked at Kevin in confusion.

"Luke didn’t tell me anything. I always saw Luke during the few days in the hospital. I feel that this child is too quiet. He is only a five-year-old child. Oh, no, he is only four years old. But he is not totally like a four-year-old child. He is not innocent and lively. He is just always in a daze. If it continues, he might have a mild depression."

Kevin said tactfully. Since Winnie repeatedly asked him not to tell Brian, he would not let Brian know.

"He has always been like this."

Brian didn't notice Luke's depression, and never paid attention to it. However, Luke was indeed not like a child of his age compared to Megan.

"No, he shouldn't be like that. You are his father. You should care about him more. I can see the reason why he is depressed must be inseparable from your alienation and indifference."

Kevin didn't know the real cause of Luke's depression, but Luke’s failure to release himself for so many years must have something to do with Brian.


Brian was unable to answer the question. He admitted that he cared less about Luke. So he couldn’t refute Kevin at all.

In Brian’s impression, it seemed that only after Luke met Winnie did he have a smile on his face and he wasn’t as timid as before.

"Brian, since you agreed to let him come to the world at that time, you should be responsible for him. Don't ignore him because of a woman. He is not wrong. If it was her who gave birth to Luke, would you still be as alienated to Luke as you are now?"

Only Brian knew who Kevin referred to. Only Kevin knew why Brian had deliberately ignored Luke for so many years.

Brian still didn't speak. When Luke mentioned the woman, Brian’s face instantly became cold.

"I will consider your words. I'm going to have a meeting."

Brian didn't want to recall the past and didn't want to talk about that woman, and didn't want to choose between Luke and that woman.

"Okay. When a child is born, he can’t choose his parents. If he can choose, he would rather be born in a happy and warm home. Although the conditions of family are a little worse, it is better than seeing your cold face. So don’t bully your child that he can’t choose his parents. Don’t wait for your child to hate you."

Kevin saw that Brian didn't respond. He was anxious for Luke and angry with Brian, so his tone inevitably became a little harsh. He still had a lot to say, but Brian seemed to be very resistant to this topic. So he could only end the topic as soon as possible.

But for Luke, he still had to tell Brian. If Brian still continued not to care about Luke, Luke’s life would be ruined. At that time, the person who would regret was still Brian.

Winnie had not gone to work. She had been taking Luke to actively cooperate with the doctor for treatment these days. The effect was still very obvious. Luke wasn’t in a daze all the time. He smiled more. It was just that others couldn't talk about Penny in front of him. As long as others talked about Penny, he would become silent.

The company's position had been vacant. Today, there was a software problem that couldn’t be solved, so Winnie could only go to the company.

When Winnie walked out of the elevator, she saw that Klara’s face looked terrible. Winnie felt angry.

Winnie held back her anger and didn’t say anything. She wanted to solve the company's difficulties first.

This matter was indeed a bit tricky. Winnie was so busy. She didn't even eat lunch until two o'clock in the afternoon.

"Winnie, you are so great. Only you can solve this problem."

Alice was very happy. There were a lot of talents in software development in the company, but no one could solve the problem. Winnie just spent a little time on it, but she solved it very well. Alice felt so proud of Winnie.

"It's just that I happen to know about it. Alice, go to ask someone to analyze and see if there is anything wrong."

Winnie was so tired. Her stomach was still grunting. She had worked from the morning to now. It was so tired.

"I'm going now."

Alice took the U disk and left. Before Winnie could stretched herself, Alice returned.

"Winnie, Mr. Bennet wants you to go to his office."

"Got it."

Winnie got up but she found that her legs were all numb. After easing for a while, she was going to the president's office.

As soon as she opened the door and came in, Winnie smelt a scent of the food. Following the scent, she saw some fast food was placed on the coffee table. Winnie thought to herself.

Brian must had done it deliberately. He knew that she was starving, but he still put so many delicious foods here. She could only watch and smell it. She would starve to death.

If Brian used this trick to take revenge on her, it was undoubtedly the most vicious way.

"What's up?"

Winnie decided to ignore the scent of the food. She wanted to deal with the problem quickly so as not to be tortured by the scent of the food.

"Sit down."

Brian said, got up and walked out from behind the desk.

"Just say it. I still have a little work to do. I have to pick up children later."

Winnie didn't want to sit down. If she sat down, she was closer to the food. She would feel hungrier.

"Sit down and eat."

Brian said imperatively. But Winnie was stunned.

Did Brian just talk about eating? Who did he let eat it? She? Was the food prepared for her?

Who could answer her questions? If the food was not prepared for her, wouldn't she be so awkward if she sat down? It would be so embarrassing.

"Are you not hungry? Or are you afraid that I will put poison into the food?"

Brian asked coldly. He really didn't know what this stupid woman was thinking about? He let her sit down and eat. Why did she look so shocked?

"You let me sit down to eat?"

In order to make sure not to make a mistake, Winnie asked.

"Do you see anyone else here?"

Brian asked. Just now, a lot of people praised her for being smart, praising that she was a talent and solved an important software development of the company. But why did she look so stupid now? She actually asked such a stupid question.

"Well, I will sit down to eat."


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