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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 880

Winnie didn't know when she fell asleep, only that when she woke up it was already dawn and Brian was sleeping beside her, sharing the same quilt with her.

The memory of last night slowly came back, slowly overwhelming Winnie. She said she had nothing to do with Brian, yet not once could she refuse Brian's skin-to-skin contact with her.

How was she going to explain such an indulgent act to herself, was it just a physical need and normal reaction? Yes, it was a physical need, because she was a woman to have that need.

It seemed much better to think about it that way, as if she had found a reason for not pushing Brian away at that moment.

But she needed Brian with it? There were many men in this world.

It was not a physical need, then it was only a matter of alcohol. Alcohol was not good that having too much made her lose her mind.

At breakfast Megan was surprised to find something.

"Dad, why is your mouth broken?"

Megan stared at Brian's mouth with a puzzled look on her face, she remembered not seeing her dad like this before she went to bed.

"Is it?"

Brian didn't know how to answer.

"Yes, show brother it's really broken. Did you eat secretly last night when I slept?"

Megan joked, but she really wanted to know how her dad's mouth was broken.

"Ah, Yes, I did."

Brian was embarrassed, but the one who was even more embarrassed was Winnie.

Though drunk, though not very conscious, she remembered that it was her bite.

Now she regret it, the children were surprised to see it, and if he went to the company and was seen by Brian's employees, there would be gossip to talk about.

"Megan, hurry up and eat, or it'll be too late for school."

Winnie prodded as a way to break up the conversation.

This topic was not appropriate for children and they couldn’t know that mom and dad broke up but they still kissed, it might give them a misunderstanding or expectations.

Winnie had thought about it this morning, even if it was the alcohol she lost herself, even if she also had a physical need, no matter which reason, it was not the beginning of forgiving Brian or accepting Brian.

The subject was thought to be over, but after getting into the car together, it once again attracted attention.

Albert drove, Brian sat in the passenger seat while Winnie sat in the back with her two children.

Albert handed Brian a document before he drove, it was when he handed the document that he inadvertently glanced at Brian, and this glance surprised him.

"Mr. Bennet, your mouth ......"

The words had already been said halfway before Albert realized what he had overlooked. But he subconsciously looked back at Winnie.

Megan became active.

"Uncle Albert, did you see Dad's broken mouth too?"

Megan had always been curious, she just had to suspend her curiosity when her mother suppressed her and no one cooperated with her.


Albert was embarrassed and a little timid, afraid that Brian would look at him angrily, afraid that he said wrong words.

The injury on Brian's mouth was clearly the result of someone biting on it. And the only possibility of this person was Director Chambers. Adults knew that this condition was the product of uncontrollable passion, or a quarrel so loud that there was no way to stop the out-of-control scene with a forced kiss. The latter must have resulted in a bite from the unconvinced opponent.

Thinking about this, Albert actually couldn't help but smile. This should be a good sign, at least the two people didn't break off their intimacy, and they couldn't break off their feelings.

But it couldn't dispel Megan's curiosity.

"Uncle Albert, Dad said it was because he ate secretly, is that possible?"


Winnie wanted to speak up to stop Megan, but she was afraid that her desire to cover up would be seen by Albert, so she simply kept silent like Brian.

" ...... there is that possibility."

Megan's question put Albert at a loss for how to answer, he wasn't one to lie and cheat children, but at this moment if he told the truth, he would he be scolded by Brian.

Albert, who thought of this, looked sideways at Brian.

Although he was reading the document, the smile on his face could be seen. From this, it was concluded that Albert would not be scolded if he said something.

"But it's the inside of your mouth that can be bitten off when you eat, how did you get bitten on the outside. Does Dad have some magical feature or was it someone else's bite?"

Megan finally couldn't resist asking the question.

And at this time, Brian and Winnie's reactions were a bit different, Brian smiled unrestrainedly, while Winnie couldn't help but have to speak.

"Megan, Uncle Albert is driving, you can't disturb him."

"Mom, I didn't bother Uncle Albert. Uncle Albert got up too early and I am afraid he would be sleepy from driving. If I talk to him, he won't be sleepy anymore"

Megan was eloquent.

"Yes, Megan is right. If you talk to me, I won't be sleepy and will be able to get you to school safely."


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