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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 886

Just as her Dad was refusing, Megan suddenly made a new discovery.

"Dad, your bracelet is so pretty, did someone else give it to you or did you buy it yourself?"

Megan asked in amazement, never having seen her dad with this type of accessory, and thinking it was special for the first time.

"From Mom, is it nice?"

Brian smiled as he answered the child, pleased.

"Mom is awesome, the bracelet is so pretty, I want it too, mom."

Megan loved it, and when she heard that her mother had made it, she wanted one.

"I want one, too."

Luke, who hadn't said anything, couldn't restrain his fondness and wanted a bracelet made by his mother's hand.

"Okay, I'll make them for you tonight when I get home."

Winnie did not let the children down, as long as they liked it, she would make sure the children was satisfied.

If Megan didn't bring up the matter of the bracelet, Winnie really didn't notice that Brian had been wearing it.

It looked like he really liked it, or he would have taken it off a long time ago.

Hopefully he would fulfil her wish.

Brian dropped off Winnie and the kids at the designated place before he went to the hospital, while Winnie took the two children and rejoined Finn.

The three kids probably didn't have fun last time and had to follow the same routine as last time all over again this time. That meant the first stop was the children's playground.

The children played, and there was no need for Winnie and Finn to follow closely.

The two adults had time to chat for a while.

They found a place to sit down where they could see the children from a close distance, and Finn handed Winnie a cup of milk tea.

"It is hard work to take kids out on weekend."

Finn opened his mouth.

"It's our pleasure as parents when we play with our children, how can we say it's hard time when we have such a good opportunity to accompany them?"

Winnie was always able to relax herself physically and mentally when she was with Finn. So actually it was not hard work.

"No matter what comes your way, you're always positive about it, so things become easier. That is your merit."

What Finn admired was Winnie's optimism. The weekend should have been a rest at home, but she made it sound so pleasant.

"My merit? Do I have any merit?"

Winnie said jokingly.

She felt that she had merit, she couldn't be full of flaws, right? It was a pity that Finn could see her merit while Brian couldn't.

Brian was wary of her from the very beginning, thinking that she had come back with a child to cheat him out of his money. So all he saw were negative things about her, otherwise he wouldn't have convicted her without even asking or confirming, and just made the decision to break up.

Brian had apologized, and the truth of the matter was clear to him. But Winnie's heart was still hurting until now, she still minded it.

She just could not get over it.

Now that someone else had compared with Brain, she felt even sadder.

"Not only do you have merit, you have a lot of it. You are too modest."

"By the way, how's the money raising?"

Finn started to get to the point, fearing that the children would come over and their conversation would end.

"Money ......"

Winnie suddenly didn't know what to say.

She was indeed stuck with money right now, and if she had no choice, she would have to ask Leo for help.

"Is it difficult?"

The first time he saw Winnie was when she was working with confidence and fighting spirit. Compared to her confident and motivated look at work, she was a bit pathetic at the moment.

The tougher a woman was, the pathetic she was .

"A little, but it's okay, I can fix it."

"I am now not sure what the starting bid price is and how much I should be ready."

Winnie was just blindly trying to raise money now, thinking the more the better for emergencies.

"I have money, and I can help."

Finn had one hundred million from Brian, and no matter what the starting price was, this one hundred million was more than enough.

"I am touched. But I don't even know how much I should borrow."

Finn's words are like a cup of hot water in the freezing weather.

She was grateful to Finn for offering to lend her the money and for Finn's trust in her. She could use Finn's money, but not too much.

"Use however much you want, just name a number and I'll give it to you."

Finn said, without Brian's 100 million, he could also help Winnie buy this house. It just made him regret that he was late in saying these words.

"How can a director have that much money?"

Winnie jokingly said. Finn had so much money, but she could not use that much.

"You are underestimating me, don't worry use it, I'm not embezzling."

"My parents own the XX law firm, so I have money. My car, my house was bought by my parents, it has nothing to do with my current job."

Finn never mentioned his parents to anyone, but today he had to say it, in order to dispel Winnie's worries.


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