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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 921

However, she wanted to express her opinion, but Emily did not give her a chance and even made the decision for Winnie.

"Have you got it wrong? Are you Leo's wife? How come you don't even speak on Leo's side?"

Daenerys looked at Emily like she was crazy, not expecting her to put those words in a righteous manner.

"It's not a matter of husband, I'm telling the truth."

"Alas ...... leave it alone, the money Leo owes Winwin is enough to invest for sure."

"Boss Stefan, go ahead, we'll take care of Winwin's problem."

"How can we give up such a good opportunity Boss Stefan provides?"

Emily joked. If she didn't use this kind of attitude, Winnie must have thought of various reasons to refuse.

"Hahahaha ...... you're right, then I can go for it."

"You guys talk, I'll have someone get a budget now and get a chance as soon as possible."

Stefan laughed at Emily's wit.

Whether Winnie agreed or disagreed, he had no complaints, there was no problem he couldn't solve.

Stefan left and only the three of them were left in the room. No one was talking, but Daenerys and Emily were exchanging glances.

Finally Emily spoke first.

"Winwin, don't stress yourself out or have any worries. Daenerys is right, you can totally use the low-interest loan from the bank to invest. Don't you still trust Stefan? He won't pull us in for a project that doesn't make money."

Winnie took a deep breath, knowing that they were being nice to her.

"I understand, but you guys haven't experienced that pain of have a debt, and you can't feel how much I'm afraid of owing money."

"Really, I've owed money, whether it's from a bank or a person. Those days of being rushed into debt are really horrible."

"I'm trying to make money now because I don't want to be owing anyone money and live like that again."

Winnie rarely showed her attitude like this, but her girlfriends would think nonsense if she didn't.

"There won't be anything like that again, now you don't owe anyone anything to be afraid of. Leo's money to pay off the loan should be enough, isn't there still a share of your company? You're rich now, don't be thinking about the old days."

The reason why Daenerys was the second to speak up was because she was helping Winnie with her plan.

Winnie was careful, tormented by the past days, now she had money in hands, but she still feel safe.

Daenerys continued.

"We're advising you, not forcing you to invest in this hotel, but we want you not to worry about the money."

"Before we didn't have any money and we couldn't help you if we wanted to. Now we all have money, so just tell us if you're in trouble. We won’t ask for money like those debtors did."

Daenerys sensed that Winnie was closing herself off, and before the money she owed was paid off, she had an impetus. Now that she was being timid.

"Thank you, guys, I understand everything."

Winnie's sense of security couldn’t be given by anyone, only she could get down to earth by fighting for it herself.

She understood that her friend could help her, but the urgency of paying back the money after the help was too much for her to bear.

"So what do you mean? You're not going to participate in this project of Stefan?"

Emily asked Winnie, no longer knowing how to persuade her. Maybe if they hadn't felt that kind of pain, they really couldn't appreciate Winnie's heart.

"You've promised Stefan, what can I do? If Leo is difficult to deal with, I'll have to quit."

If the money from Leo was used up, the company's dividends at the end of the year were almost enough to pay off the mortgage. If Brian’s software can be developed successfully, she does not have any worries. If it fails, then for the first half of the next year, she was going to have a bad time.

"Wait, I'll message Leo now and ask how much profit you've made in the past six months."

Emily called as she spoke.

A moment later, the phone was picked up.

"What's the matter, are you coming back?"

Leo's lazy voice reached Winnie and Daenerys' ears.

"Honey, how much of the profit the game you cooperated with Winwin for the second half of the year?"

In order to solve the problem as soon as possible, Emily went straight to the point.

"Why do you ask that?"

Leo was confused.

"Tell me."

Emily prodded.

"Give me a minute, I'll have someone tally it up."

The phone didn't hang up and everyone heard Leo call his assistant to account for it as soon as possible.

Leo came back after the instruction.

"Is it Winnie who needs the money? if so, Don't ask the profit, I will give her."

Leo knew that Winnie was troubled by money the other day, and today his wife was talking about money again, so it must be that Winnie's problems were not solved.

"See? How generous my husband is. He doesn't even know what's going on, and he's going to give you money. If you refuse, you'll be letting him down."

Emily complimented her husband.

But Daenerys and Winnie were on edge, because the hot pot restaurant was confidential and this hotel could not be leaked out.


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