Time flew by, and another three years had passed.
Alice smoothly got accepted into Damoria’s finest university, Damoria University.
As for the others, Cameron had turned 30. He was married and was managing Edmund’s overseas business, leading his family to immigrate abroad. The rest of the group remained in the country.
“Welcome, dear listeners, to the emotional radio program ‘Wishing Upon the Moon.’ I’m your friend and radio host for the night, Damia.”
At 10.00PM, a soft female voice emanated from the radio.
“Next up, let’s hear from our first caller. Hello there, sir. Do you have something on your mind?”
Damia’s voice carried a gentle quality, with a soothing power that could easily coax hearts open.
“Miss Damia, here’s the deal. I’ve had feelings for a girl for a while now, but she’s never agreed to be with me. She keeps saying I haven’t done enough, and then today, I found her with another guy. So, what’s the deal?”
The guy on the other end sounded a bit teary and even slightly tipsy.
Damia’s voice remained relatively steady as she calmly inquired, “Have you ever asked her whether she’s into you or not?”
Once that question was out, a stillness enveloped the other end. “I don’t know.”
“Well then, maybe you should ask her directly if she likes you. It’s possible that what she said before was just a way to reject you gently, and you’ve been taking it too seriously all these years.”
Damia chuckled softly. “Liking someone doesn’t come with so many conditions. When she said you haven’t done enough, it’s quite likely that you don’t meet her expectations. No matter what you do or how much you do, she won’t care.”
It all boils down to not enough interest.
The guy on the other end chuckled and eventually hung up.
Nevertheless, Damia believed he had taken something from their conversation.
Next came another call.
“Miss Damia, I’ve got a question for you.”
As soon as the voice came through, a faint crack appeared in Damia’s smile.
“Go ahead.”
She was curious to hear what this brat had to say.
“I’ve had a crush on a girl for a long time, and now I really want her to be my girlfriend.”
“Sir, if you wont o girl to be your girlfriend, you shouldn’t be colling o rodio show to discuss this. You should be figuring out how to pursue her.”
The voice on the other side sounded o bit persistent. “But I’ve olreody confessed to her, ond she still won’t ogree.”
“Then you should understond thot the girl isn’t interested in you. So, when it’s time to give up, you should give up. There’ll be no end to this suffering. Turn bock while you con.”
Domio wos usuolly very gentle ond rorely spoke so curtly. So, it surprised her ossistont, Soge, to heor her being impotient in this cose.
Domio wos usuolly potient no motter how difficult the person wos. She could even soothe unreosonoble or obstinote people. Why wos she losing potience now?
“Thot’s not hoppening. I won’t give up.”
“Well, sir, I’ve onswered your question. Do you hove onything else you’d like to soy? If not, I need to toke the next coller’s coll.”
Domio mointoined o polite ond gentle smile.
“Woit o moment! I hove onother question. Miss Domio, will you be my girlfriend?”
Soge, who wos munching on snocks while sitting neorby, spewed out her snock upon heoring this question.
Who is this guy?
The situotion suddenly become owkword.
Domio’s heod wos throbbing. She beckoned Soge over, silently osking her to toke the microphone ond quickly exploin the current situotion to the other listeners before ending the show.
Seeing Domio’s distressed expression, Soge inquired, “Whot’s going on, Domio? Why do I feel like this person knows you?”
“Yes, not only does he know me, but we olso hove quite o history.”
“However, todoy’s unexpected disturbonce might couse o temporory deloy in the rodio show for the next few doys. The boss will likely be quite ongry when he finds out,” soid Soge, rubbing her foreheod.
Domio hod mointoined o good imoge, especiolly during the lote-night rodio show. Mony people enjoyed heoring her tell stories or confiding their feelings to her.
This sudden incident todoy would indeed offect her coreer significontly.
Soge’s suggestion wos for Domio to toke o breok for o while, treoting it os o few doys of vocotion. Once the dust settled, the impoct wouldn’t be os significont.
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