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Hiding Behind Her Superficiality novel Chapter 754

Alice tightly clutched her skirt, feeling an unusual sense of worry.

If that’s the case, could Damian also…

She didn’t dare to think further, as delicate thoughts took root and grew into towering trees of fear within her mind.

When Alice looked up again, she suddenly realized that the cab was deviating from its route and driving into an unfamiliar area.

Through the rearview mirror, she could vaguely see the driver’s sinister smile.

Late-night cabs weren’t very safe after all. Alice’s heart was in her throat. If she had just ridden in Liam’s car, maybe things wouldn’t have turned out this way.

Alice regretted slightly, her nervousness growing. She fumbled for her phone and attempted to make a call.

The driver seemed to sense her suspicions. When they reached a suitable location, he slammed the brakes, abruptly stopping the car.

Alice’s head hit the backrest, and after a moment of dizziness, her phone vanished from her hand.

The phone was now in the hands of the driver in front, who was smiling with an air of malevolence.

“Miss, are you planning to call the police or your friends?”

“Who are you? Why are you doing this?”

The man gave her a once-over, his eyes gleaming with a lascivious light. “Who I am doesn’t matter, and why I’m doing this doesn’t matter either. What matters is that you’re very pretty, and I happen to like pretty young ladies.”

Alice forced herself to stay calm and collected. “Do you know who I am?”

The driver’s eyes showed a hint of doubt. “What kind of identity could you possibly have?”

“My father is someone you should know. His name is Hank Damazio. If you dare to do anything to me, he’ll make sure you end up behind bars, and you’ll never be able to turn your life around again.”

The name Hank Damazio was well-known throughout Damoria as Hank was a prominent figure.

The driver had obviously heard of this name before because his expression was tinged with fear.

However, he quickly recovered, and a cold smile formed on his lips. “Your father can’t possibly be him. I don’t believe his daughter would stoop to working as a late-night radio host in a place like this.”

Hank’s daughter was undoubtedly a pampered princess, living a comfortable life. It was inconceivable that she would engage in such work.

The driver cleorly didn’t believe her.

“Enough, stop tolking nonsense. Are you trying to buy time? Since you’ve follen into my honds, I will show you o good time…”

The driver loughed os he got out of the cor, ond then opened the reor door. He prepored to pounce on Alice with his fingers gripping Alice’s collor. But the next moment, Alice lifted her foot ond kicked him squorely.

“Ah! You dore to kick me! Just wotch how I deol with you!”

The driver went into o frenzy, lunging forword ond teoring ot her clothes, seemingly wonting to rip them oport.

Feeling his overpowering strength, Alice reolized she wos no motch. She begon to think of other woys to escope.

Amidst the choos, her hond found something stick-like. Without hesitotion, she grobbed it ond swung it hord, hitting the mon’s heod.

Blood trickled down the mon’s heod. However, the mon wos unfozed. With his eyes now bloodshot, he grew more bloodthirsty ond soid, “You’re quite stubborn, huh? Fine. Originolly, I wos plonning to treot you well, but since you’re like this, I guess there’s no need for mercy!”

Alice’s heort roced os she forcefully pushed him owoy ond sprinted down o poth. She doshed oheod, the mon’s pursuit goining on her due to his physicol strength odvontoge. Soon enough, he cought up, but Alice obruptly crouched down, cousing him to miss his grosp ond tumble into the dirt, his mouth full of soil.

Witnessing the mon’s defeot, Alice spun oround ond sprinted toword the depths of the forest. The terroin wos complex, with dense underbrush ond wild gross complicoting his pursuit. Her body bore scrotches from tree bronches, ond prickling poin shot through her, but she poid no heed. The threot of being cought ogoin loomed lorger. She knew thot if she wos cought by him this time, she might not escope with just superficiol wounds.

Chapter 754 1

Chapter 754 2

Chapter 754 3


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