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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 145

Chapter 145 Savior's Little Bosses
"You know what? When Daddy was little, Grandpa Rowan also said that to Daddy." Frank smiled wryly.

"Then what did Daddy do?"

"Is that what makes Daddy always looks perfect?"

The toddlers blinked, listening intently. Meanwhile, Frank shrugged briefly. "As you can see, Daddy always tries to fulfill his requests, making other people amazed. But after meeting Mommy, Daddy realized. There’s something more important than meeting other people's expectations of us.”

"What is it, Daddy?" the twins asked in unison.

“Becoming the best version of ourselves. Yes, we must adapt to the situation and maintain professionalism. But, remember! We must not become someone else."

Louis and Emily's mouths rounded. Their eyes sparkled with amazement.

“So, we have to stay true to ourselves while trying to be better?” Louis concluded, nodding slowly.

"But how?" Emily tilted her head.

Frank smiled faintly. "There are many ways. You can study well, work hard to make your dreams come true. You can develop your talents and abilities, becoming whatever you want without worrying about what people say. But remember!”

Frank raised his finger. “Once you succeed, you must not be arrogant like Daddy was. Stay humble and friendly like Mommy."

The twins turned to Kara. They smiled proudly. "Yes, we do aspire to be as good as Mommy," Emily said sweetly. However, a second later, her brows furrowed. "But Daddy, is becoming a CEO your dream or Great Grandpa's dream? If you haven't been yourself all this time, then what kind of person do you want to be?"

The curve of Frank's lips suddenly froze. His breath hitched. His brain was spinning fast, searching for memories that were already buried too deep.

"Daddy has many dreams." Frank's voice was thin. His gaze turned dreamy. “Dad actually wanted to be a pilot. Daddy also wanted to be a racer."

"Is that why Daddy can fly a helicopter?" Louis' eyes lit up.

Frank looked at him and nodded. "Yes, in the end, Daddy just made it a hobby."

The twins chuckled in amazement.

“Daddy is great. Even difficult things can be turned into hobbies.”

"When I grow up I want to fly a helicopter too." Louis poked his own chest with his thumb. “Wait a few more years, Emily, I will take you around in the air.”

Louis' enthusiasm was so passionate. However, his sister just nodded modestly. She was more interested in another question in her head. "Are you happy, Daddy? Do you enjoy becoming a CEO?" She looked pitiful.

Frank fell silent for a moment.

“According to Daddy, there are two important rules in dealing with choices. First, make the best choice so that we don't have to regret it later. Second, if we have made a choice and cannot switch it, do our best to make that choice the right one.”

“Are you on rule number two, Daddy?” Louis concluded, tilting his head. “Daddy can't be a pilot or racer. But Daddy didn't grieve or give up. Daddy actually became the best CEO in the world."

Frank glanced at Kara, smiling together. Then, while Kara was rubbing his arm, he observed the twins' serious expressions.

"Instead of wasting time lamenting the situation, wouldn't we rather make it an opportunity?"

“Oh, I understand.” Emily raised her finger in the air. “Daddy took advantage of the position as CEO to do more things.”

“I understand it too! If Daddy wasn't the CEO, Papa wouldn't necessarily be able to make cool apartments and sophisticated technology. Daddy might be not as rich as he is now and he couldn’t help many people."

While their parents laughed faintly, Emily shook Louis' leg. “That means we're lucky, Louis. We have a great opportunity to do more.”

"Exactly!" Frank said proudly. “Since you are still young, think carefully about what you want to do in the future. Fight for it and enjoy the process.”

“But I want to be a great businessman, Daddy. I want to build apartments, sophisticated cars, and even rockets. I'm lucky that my life path is the same as what Great Grandpa asked for."


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