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His Dark Obsession novel Chapter 15


I saw red. The urge to rip the girl who had attacked what belonged to me bled through me, and I attacked. Another vicious snarl ripped through the halls as I grabbed her violently and threw her across the hall. She hit the far wall with a satisfying crunch. She cried out as Odette screamed, but I didn’t care.

They deserved more, I looked at my little Omega, who was hugging herself, trying to shield her exposed breasts, which I wouldn’t mind admiring all night and day. Her clothes were torn ruthlessly, and it only made my blood boil further. I yanked my shirt off, throwing it at her before I turned to the slumped figure against the far wall.

Only I should be the one to see her body.

"P-please Zedkiel." Odette whimpered, foolishly daring to step in my way.

She stunk of fear like always. Did she really think just because she was mated to my brother that I’d not hurt her?

How stupid.

My eyes flashed as I grabbed her by the neck. "She insulted what was mine, which means she insulted me. I’d step aside if I were you." I warned, easing my hold enough to give her the chance to move.

I knew she had probably already linked Alcazer, but I didn’t really give a fuck. She slowly pulled out of my hold but instead of obeying me, she continued to block the pathway to her bleeding sister.

"Please let her go, she didn’t know! Celia was only trying to-"

"Someone is going to die today, Odette. Step aside, or I won’t care who it is." I hissed.

"I-it’s ok, please l-let her go?"

I clenched my jaw when my own Omega began siding with those who had insulted her. Her voice was soft, yet it did nothing to calm the burning inferno within me. The smell of blood was getting to me, and the urge to reap vengeance was taking control.

"Stay quiet." I growled, my eyes blazing when I looked at her. She flinched, her eyes full of dread as she backed away, which only angered me more.

I turned my anger back on Alcazer’s bitch of a mate, feeling my control spiralling out of control. She was shaking in fear as she glanced down the hall.

"You were foolish to not obey me." I said quietly, my patience worn thin.

The sound of running footsteps approached, and I grabbed her by her hair.

"Were you trying to buy time?" I whispered coldly into her ear. She whimpered in fear, her entire body shuddering. "How foolish." With those words leaving my lips I plunged my free hand into her chest, my claws coming out.

Several screams and a growl filled the air as I ripped her heart out. The smell of blood filled the air as it splashed across me and the walls around me. Smirking, I let her dead body fall to the floor.

"No!" Alcazer shouted in horror as he ran over falling to his knees by his dead mate. He lifted her into his arms, his face ashen. "Odette! Fuck!"

The bitch who had hurt my woman was staring at the dead woman, tears streaming down her cheeks as she clamped her hands over her mouth.

I would have much preferred it to be her dead body on the floor. I had heard the end of her conversation, and even with Odette dead… I was no less angry than before I killed her.

"Zedkiel!" Dad’s murderous roar of anger came.

I saw my little Omega back away, her entire body shaking with fear. She was probably far more scared of me now than she was before. I looked at the blood seeping out of the body below me, tossing her heart at the bitch, who now struggled to her feet and stumbled over to Dad, limping in the process.

15. My Rage 1

15. My Rage 2


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