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His Dark Obsession novel Chapter 19


I don’t know how long I stared at him, but when his eyes simmered red, I knew I couldn’t test him any further and slowly inched closer to the bathtub. Now more than ever wishing there was some bubble bath available. What if I saw his monster?

Then I needed to keep my eyes closed!

I inched nearer and kneeled behind his head on the floor, thinking this was perfect! He couldn’t even see me from here. But it was only a few moments later that I realised I couldn’t reach properly from here, and I slowly got up again.

Should I sit on the edge of the tub?

No never!

"I don’t have all day, Little Mouse," He snarled, making me flinch, my hands instantly going to his shoulders.


Pouting I began massaging his shoulders, unsure if I was doing this correctly, but when a low groan left his lips, I got my answer. My heart thundered, I guess I was doing it correctly.

Goddess… how long did I have to do this?

He tilted his head back, and I moved away just before his head almost touched my breasts. Suddenly he reached up grabbing the back of my head making me squeak in fear as he yanked me closer, "I didn’t say you could move."

"Y-yes." I whispered, trying not to tremble as I massaged his shoulders. To my utter dismay, I could see he was hard, and he didn’t seem to care that I could see. Did he have no shame?

That scary thing… I shuddered inwardly.

He closed his eyes, his hand running down my neck, my stomach fluttered when his fingers ran down my arm, making my entire body tingle. "Don’t stop." His voice came, and I realised I had stopped massaging him.

"Yes, my prince." I whispered as I continued, my eyes fixed on his defined muscles.

"I hate that title."

Then what do I call you?

I remained silent, daring not to question him. Instead, I foound myself observing the beauty of the deadly man before me. If we forgot about how unhinged he was, you could see he was perfection, from his smooth brown skin to the firmness of his muscles everywhere. He was toned, unlike me!

Was it because he worked out so much? He was blessed with incredible features too, those lips looked soft, his nose firm and strong, and behind those thick lashes, that I only noticed now, were eyes of a stunning colour.

But… this was the man from my nightmares… Why was he killing me?

Mulling over my thoughts, I continued massaging him, making sure to target all the knots I could feel. This was something that Grandmother Philomena made me do often enough, and I was good at it. Seeing his eyes were still closed, I slowly sat down on the edge of the tub, twisting my body, so I couldn’t target his trapezius better.

There was something about that nightmare… I just wish I remembered more than being stabbed to death. I shivered at the pain I always felt in my nightmares; it felt so real…

Sighing softly, I pressed my thumb into a certain area, rubbing in circles to ease the tension in him. I looked down, gazing into those gold-green eyes that were watching me. They were like gems, so clear and deep…

So beautiful from this angle, I could see the flecks of gold and green blending into one another… such intense eyes…

19. A Bath 1


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