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His Doll novel Chapter 41

Author's p.o.v

Devika is in the kitchen and preparing to cook an Italian dish. Two maids are helping her.

She said with her soft voice, " Give the cheese."

Saying that she turned behind when someone hugged her. She became startled and found that the maids are nowhere to be seen. The person is hugging her tightly and trailing his fingers on her back. She knows the touch.

She said patting the person's back, " Abhi, you almost startled me".

Abhinav isn't saying anything. He is playing with Devika's blouse's knot. Then he said with his husky voice, " your scent is very sweet which attracts everyone".

Devika is feeling like throwing him away right now but still, she said, " what happened to you suddenly? Hmm!! You are being romantic too much".

She said all this pretending like she is enjoying his touches. Abhinav is still trailing his fingers on her back gingerly. Devika is feeling a little bit afraid of seeing his unusual behaviour.

She felt that Abhinav's fingers are now going to her hairs from her back. He held her hairs in his grip and pulled it harshly.

Devika let out a scream and said, " you are hurting me. Why are you pulling my hairs?"

And the next moment she fell on the floor because of the push which Abhinav has given her. He bent down to her level and grabbed her chin tightly making her skin red.

He asked angrily, " What were you doing in Arnav's room for 2 hours?"

Devika gulped down her saliva seeing the previous aggressive Abhinav. Tears are already forming in her eyes. She said trying very hard to convince him, " I just went to ask him about Ruhi's health issue. She was suffering from fever for two days".

" Fucking whore!! Is it take two hours to talk about only for mere fever? You are cheating on my back with my brother!! You cheater!!" Abhinav said kicking on Devika's legs.

Devika stood up on her feet and said crying, "No. I will never cheat you. I love you, Abhi".

Saying that she tried to caress his cheek when she felt an impact on her face again. She tried to say something when she again felt another slap.

Abhinav said yelling, " You are like your mother. A whore!! A bitch!! You can't love your husband. You cheater!!"

Saying all this Abhinav started beating devika with his belt in the kitchen. The whole time when he was beating her, he called her by dirty names but devika only said that she loves him. She never cheated on him.

Devika's whole body is now bruised and she is crying. But her eyes are holding anger. Too much anger. She is now only seeing at the floor.

Then, Abhinav held her hand and dragged her towards Arnav's room. Reaching there, he threw her on the floor.

Arnav was listening to some music when his brother barged into his room without knocking. He stopped the music and asked Abhinav, " Bhai, what's happening?

Saying that he held Devika's shoulder and made her stand up on her feet.

Seeing Arnav is touching Devika, Abhinav lost his control and held Arnav's collar.

He asked angrily, " Did you fuck her? Did you fuck your brother's wife?"

Hearing Abhinav's disgusting words Arnav become shocked and obviously angry.

He said with too much anger, " What the hell are you talking bhai? Have you lost your mind? Why would I do that? She is my bhabi".

" Then, what were you doing with her inside your room locking the door for almost two hours. Were you playing chess!!!" Abhinav barked at Arnav's face and punched him on his face.

Arnav landed on the bed and looked at Abhinav with disbelief. He can not believe that Abhinav raised his hand on him. It's the first time in their life that Abhinav has raised his hand on Arnav. Arnav stood up from the bed holding his cheek where Abhinav punched him.

Devika is still on the floor crying badly holding her saree's edge tightly. Abhinav pulled her hairs and made her stand up on her feet. She winced in pain.

Then, Abhinav held Arnav's collar and said with his threatening voice, " If I see both of you together again than trust me I will show you hell."

Arnav tried to say something when Abhinav said leaning towards Arnav's ear, " I am warning you little brother. Don't wake up my inner beast ".

Saying that Abhinav left the room with devika. Before leaving the room devika looked at Arnav and Arnav also looked at devika like they are talking with their eyes.

Abhinav took devika to their room and threw her on the bed. He took off his shirt and said gritting his teeth, " Too much desperate for my brother!! Huh!! After this moment you will never ever look at him".

Next few hours Abhinav unleashed his anger on Devika. He brutally raped her 6 times and also beat her drawing blood from her whole body. But something unusual can be noticed in Devika's behaviour. She didn't cry. She just clutched the bed sheet and bears the pain. Her eyes were holding too much anger and loath.

She mentally said, " You showed your true colour. You can never change. You are a monster and you will remain a monster."

Abhinav stood up from his bed with his naked glory and asked devika, " Don't you tell me the words?"

Devika covered her body with a thin quilt and said with difficulty, " I love you Abhi. I am your doll. I only belong to you."

After Three Days

Abhinav's p.o.v

( " Sign this divorce paper right now and free me from you and your 4 scam bugs," He said to ma who is crying badly holding Arushi.

Ma said crying, " Don't leave me Vivek. Where will I go?"

He said angrily, " Go to hell. I don't care. But, don't come to me. Your face, your voice, your crying, everything is toxic for me".

" Just think about our children. You are their father. They need you. How will I handle 4 children without their father?" ma asked him crying. But he is like a stone-hearted person. His eyes are totally cold towards us.

I am standing here clenching my fist. Arnav and Avantika are crying holding my waist. Ma isn't ready to sign the divorce paper. She is trying very hard to convince him that we need him.

Seeing my mother's crying, I can not tolerate anymore. I found my cricket bat standing beside the door. I grabbed the bat and without warning started beating him mercilessly. I am yelling, " You monster!! You shithead!! You are a scumbug.! How dare you to make my ma cry! How dare you!!"

Seeing my aggressive behaviour ma and him both become shocked. My siblings are now crying badly. I looked at him and found him lying on the floor. Because of my beating, his hands and body are now bruised. 

Ma yelled angrily, " Abhi, how can you raise your hand on your father? Is this manner I have taught you? Didn't I tell you to respect your father!"

" Manner!! You are talking about manner! To respect this bastard!! Who has no shame! He is an animal in the form of a human!! I hate him. He is not my father," I snapped at ma and then spits on his face.

This time he stood up from the floor and punched me on my face and stomach. I coughed blood and my nose is bleeding.

Ma yelled loudly, " Vivek, he is your son. How can you punch a 12-year teenage boy!! Have some mercy!!

He threw a steel glass towards ma and it hit ma's forehead and now her forehead is bleeding. Seeing all this, anger is erupting inside me like a volcano. I kicked him on his legs. And, He is now angry beyond level.

He held a knife and placed it on my neck. He threatened my mother, " Sign the papers right now otherwise I will slit this bastard's throat."

Ma didn't waste any time. She signed the paper and said crying, " Leave my son. He is innocent".

He is still holding the knife on my throat. He told my ma laughing, " Not so easily. Sign these papers. Give this house in my name".

Saying that he threw another paper on my ma's face and it's our property paper. He is such a monster that he also wants to snatch our house. He wants us to be homeless.

Ma is pleading and crying when Bhabani entered our house with her twin children. Seeing her ma is totally angry. She yelled loudly, " You monster!! Bitch!! Whore!! How dare you to enter here!!"

Hearing my ma, she laughed loudly and said with a mocking tone, " Lower your voice. Very soon you will be a beggar, homeless person with your 4 bastards".

This bitch and that bastard insulted my ma with their heart's content. They blackmailed my ma by using me. Finally, my ma signed the papers.

He left me and walked towards that bitch. He kissed her both children's cheeks and kissed their forehead. Seeing all this I can not believe my own eyes. A few moments ago he was ready to kill his own blood and now he is kissing another man's children!!

Ma broke down into sobs and my siblings are crying holding ma. I am standing there like a statue with my broken nose and bleeding face. That bitch cursed me calling me names because I have beaten him with my cricket bat.

Before leaving he told my ma to leave this house as soon as possible. Otherwise, he will throw us away with his own hands.

Saying that he held that bitch's hand and started going towards the door to leave. I followed them. I saw that the bitch has already seated in the taxi. When he will just get in the taxi I ran towards him and held his collar.

I told him, " I promise you that you will die by my hands. Before dying you will see my face. I will return every injustice to you and your bitch which you had done with us."

Saying that I gave him a demonic smile.

Hearing me he didn't say anything. He pushed me hard and I landed on the ground. I cursed him badly.

From that day I stopped giving my introduction as Abhinav Aggarwal. His surname makes me mad. Even his name makes my skin crawled with disgust.)

I am now sitting in my office and waiting for important detail. I am trailing my fingers on my beard and thinking how will I punish them if the details are true. If the details are true than they are done for sure. I will not hesitate to kill them with my own hands.

I am busy thinking of the ways of killing when someone knocked on my door. I know who is it. It's obviously Omkara. I permitted him to enter and he entered with a paper in his hand.

He said giving the paper to me, " Sir, the results are positive. The DNA matches with your DNA almost 95% that means they are your half-siblings. (A/N- I am not a doctor. I just wrote this part from my imagination. I hope you understand)

I took the paper in my hand and read the details carefully and after reading the details a sinister smile formed on my lips. So, this Neel and Ruhi Gupta are actually Neel & Ruhi Aggarwal.

This two scumbugs has that two piece of shit's blood flowing inside their body. I can not wait to kill them. Thanks to their conversation with my doll otherwise I wouldn't have doubted them and checked their true identity.

I praised Omkara for this first result. I dismissed him and now I am thinking about how to kill those two bastards. Now, I am understanding why Vivek Aggarwal was so fond of those two bastards!! Because they were his blood!

Umm!! How to kill them. I can not kill them so easily. First of all, they have to suffer and then I will kill them. They have to feel the pains that I have felt with my family because of their shameless parents. Such an irony that they are going to be killed by their elder brother.

I can not decide How to punish them for being that bastard and bitch's child.!! I have to come up with new ideas of torture and killing!! Should I sell that Ruhi to a brothel and Neel to any organ traffickers? No, no. I am not that bad. How can I do that? After all, they are my siblings apart from being my in-laws. I have to give them a painful death slowly.

When Bhabani will hear that her twin children are no more in this world than she will feel the pain that I felt when my mother died by that bitch's hand. And about devika? She is alive because she has Kamlesh uncle's blood inside her. That man was really a gentleman.


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