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His Doll novel Chapter 47

Author's p.o.v

Abhinav frowned his brows and stood up from the sit. He tried to say something when Apeksha said with a crooked smile, " Trust me, this time your money and power will not help you".

Abhinav asked with a calm yet dangerous voice," Is it any kind of joke, officer? Have you lost your mind?

Apeksha came forward and said sarcastically," It's reality, Mr Abhinav Agnihotri. Your wife Devika Agnihotri has complained a case against you on domestic violence and Marital rape".

Hearing Apeksha, Abhinav's eyes get widened and he asked with a surprising voice," My wife has filed a case against me?"

" Yes. Why are you so surprised? Can't she file any case against you? Didn't you torture her for 2 years? Didn't you rape her brutally?" Apeksha asked all this fisting her palm. She is too much angry on Abhinav for hurting an innocent girl like devika.

On the other hand, Abhinav couldn't believe that devika has really filed a case against him. The girl who always used to tremble just hearing his name has filed a case against him! This thing is unbelievable for him.

Abhinav tried to say something when Apeksha said with a crooked smile," You are going to ask for evidence, Right? Then, fine. Let me show you something".

Saying that she took a file from one of the policemen's hand. She took out a paper and said showing it to Abhinav," This is your wife's statement where it is clearly written that you abused your wife by beating her, humiliating her, scaring her and finally raping her".

Abhinav took the paper in his hands and read it carefully. He couldn't believe his own eyes and ears. But, very quickly he composed his shocked expression and a hard & angry expression appeared on his face.

He said throwing the paper on Apeksha's face," Only her statement can't prove that I have abused her!"

Hearing him, Apeksha said sarcastically," I knew that you will obviously refuse to accept your all crimes. Let me show you some more interesting paper".

Saying that she took out some papers from the file and said showing it to Abhinav," It's your wife's medical report where it's clearly written about her burned feet, swollen back, almost dislocated arm and jaw and most disturbing, her torn vaginal tissue."

Apeksha took a breath and again said," You must be wondering from where we have collected her medical reports?"

Abhinav is still looking at Apeksha being dumbfounded when she said," Do you remember that doctor who used to come into your house to treat your wife's wounds? She has given her statement along with your wife's medical reports".

The more Apeksha is saying, the more Abhinav is becoming shocked. He can't believe that his naive wife has given statement to the police. He is only wondering when did all this happen and how she did all this. His anger on devika is now increasing.

He mentally said angrily," You didn't do the right thing by involving police in our personal matter. Just let me handle this officer first then I will decide what should be done with you".

" The statement and Medical reports can be fake," Abhinav said this to manipulate Apeksha. But, Apeksha is not any fool. Today she has come with full preparation.

Apeksha smirked and said mockingly," Yeah, the reports can be fake. Let me show you a movie where you have acted nicely showing your true face".

Saying that she took out her phone and played a video. She gave her phone to Abhinav and told him to see. Abhinav took the phone, frowning his brows.

Seeing the video Abhinav became more shocked and said with a shocked expression," who dared to record all this? When did all this happen?

Apeksha is seeing Abhinav and enjoying his shocked expression. She is hell bound to arrest him and throw him into the jail.

She said mentally with too much anger," You are very fond of beating an innocent woman! Hmm! I will request the upper party for your remand, then I will return every beating to you which you have given to that poor girl".

Abhinav is still watching the video with a shocked expression. Actually, the video is holding different footage. The whole video is filled with Abhinav's dirty languages and Devika's screaming. The sound of slapping, whipping, tore downing clothes can be heard. And most sadly part of the video is Devika's screaming, begging for mercy, pleading to not hurt her.

Seeing the video Abhinav yelled loudly," Who dared to set cameras inside my bedroom and recorded all this? Which traitor did all this?"

The servants of his house are trembling due to fear. They are only praying that Abhinav doesn't blame them for all this. Arushi and Avantika are still shocked seeing all this drama. Avantika tried to say something but Apeksha warned her to not involve herself in police matters otherwise she will also take action against Avantika for abusing Devika verbally.

After Apeksha's warning, Avantika is now silent and watching all this drama.

Abhinav tried to throw the phone on the floor because of anger but Apeksha snatched her phone from his hand and said mockingly," If it's not enough evidence for you, then let me show you another interesting thing"

Abhinav is gritting his teeth and fisting his hands due to anger and frustration. All the evidence are against him and the evidence are all real. He is now very angry with devika. Moreover, he is totally pissed off.

Apeksha took another paper in her hand and said showing it to Abhinav," And, it's your brother's statement where he clearly said that he has seen you abusing your wife".

This time Abhinav is shocked beyond level. He said shouting," My brother can't do this. He can not go against me".

Apeksha said," Your brother has told all this with his own mouth before leaving for Germany".

Abhinav is still in shock and very hurt only thinking that his brother has given statement against him for devika. He is now standing without any expression holding the paper.

" Enough of showing all the evidence to you. Next time I will show all this in the court and the rest will court decide," saying that Apeksha walked towards Abhinav to put handcuff on his hands.

Abhinav is still shocked by seeing Arnav's statement. He is thinking that devika and Arnav did all this to frame him so that they can be together. He is thinking that Arnav and Devika are having affair and that's why they had done all this. His anger has risen on its peak and he is determined to punish them both.

He mentally said like a psycho," This time you both have crossed your limits and now it's time for mine to cross my limits".

Apeksha is ready to put handcuff on Abhinav's hand when he said with a warning tone," Officer, I am telling you for the last time. Don't mess with me. You will regret".

Apeksha totally ignored him and handcuffed him. Abhinav said with confidence," I will again come out in bail and you will not be able to do anything"

Apeksha chuckled and said," Not this time".

 Abhinav is now a little bit worried after seeing Apeksha's confidence.

He tried to say something when Apeksha leaned to his ear and whispered sarcastically," You are very fond of salty kheer and boiled meat!! Hmm!! Trust me, I am arranging special items for you. You will see my hospitality in the jail and after seeing my hospitality, you will remember me until your last breath".

Abhinav looked at Apeksha with a dark expression on his face and said lowering his voice," you don't know ab......."

" Of course, I know about your power. But this time how you will use your power I am very eager to know, " Apeksha said cutting his sentence in the middle of his saying.

After that, Apeksha started dragging Abhinav to the door. Abhinav is still in shock thinking that his brother has betrayed him just to be with his wife. His anger is erupting inside him like a volcano. It's the second time that the police has arrested him which is a total humiliation for him. Now, he only wants to ask a question to his brother that how can he betray his own brother like that!

He thought mentally, "They both betrayed me. My brother has betrayed me!! I am sure it's Devika's planning to make my brother stand against me. She is so desperate for my brother that she conspired behind my back involving police!! Finally, she has also followed the same path as her mother. Both mother and daughter are same. Whore!!"

Apeksha is dragging Abhinav towards the police van and Abhinav is thinking," I thought that after killing her mother, I will accept her completely as my wife but she isn't worthy enough to be my wife".

After Few Hours

Abhinav is pacing here and there inside the dark cell. He is thinking only one thing that devika has conspired all this with Arnav.

He said yelling pulling his hairs," Why did you do this? I was thinking to accept you even after your betrayal with my brother only for our children's sake. I was thinking to accept you with my whole heart even after knowing that you are Bhabani's daughter just for our children. Why you did all this?"

Then he started kicking on the wall saying," you are a slut. You are a whore. You are just like your mother. You proved that you are really Bhabani's daughter".

Abhinav is becoming mad inside this dark cell. He is cursing devika and his brother for their betrayal. But, he is more angry on devika than Arnav.

He said like a psycho," You behaved like a whore and I will really make you a whore. Just wait for some time. Just let me come out from the jail".

He is kicking the wall to vent his frustration and anger when a policeman came and said," Someone wants to meet you".

" It's my lawyer. I know that. I also want to meet him," Abhinav said looking at the policeman.

The policeman said," It's a woman. She is telling her name as Devika Gupta".

Hearing the name Abhinav said gritting his teeth,"  Send her here. I also want to talk with her".


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