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His Doll novel Chapter 8

Author's p.o.v

Listening to Abhinav, Devika became frozen on her place. She is looking at Abhinav with a fearful expression. Sweat beads are forming on her forehead.

And Abhinav is seeing her with pure disgust. He is thinking that devika also loves Raghav.

Their eye contacts are broken when

Raghav said," Devika, you can't do this to me. I love you".

Abhinav looked at Raghav and again punched Raghav. Raghav landed on the floor with a thud.

This time Devika can't see anymore this whole drama. She understood that Abhinav is going to be violent with Raghav. Though she doesn't love Raghav but she wants to save Raghav from Abhinav's wrath because of humanity.

She said," Listen, Raghav. I never loved you. You proposed me and I had always rejected you. So, don't create drama here".

Raghav stood up from the floor and said crying," I know devika. But, I love you. What can I do! Without you, I will die. Please don't marry him".

Devika is totally afraid, nervous and exhausted seeing all this drama. She just wants to end all this as soon as possible.

She tried to make him understand saying that" Raghav, I respect your feelings but I don't love you. You can't force someone to love you".

Raghav tried to say something when Abhinav yelled," Guards ".

And immediately Abhinav's guards came running. Abhinav barked on them," How he entered here? Where were you, morons? The guards lowered their heads because they don't know how Raghav came here.

Well, Raghav came here with the help of the priest. This is unknown to Abhinav yet. If he comes to know that than the priest will see death for sure.

Abhinav signalled them to hold Raghav and they obliged.

Abhinav said to Raghav," You tried to spoil my marriage! And claiming that you love my would-be wife!! I am surprised seeing your audacity! What did you say you will die without her? Hmm.? Then let me show you something. "

Saying that Abhinav turned at Devika and pulled her into his arms. Devika is already afraid and now Abhinav's close proximity is making her more afraid.

Abhinav tied the mangal sutra(nuptial chain) around Devika's neck and put a large amount of vermilion on her hair partition. Then he did something which made the whole audience more shocked who were already in too much shock seeing all this drama.

Abhinav kissed Devika on her lips in front of everyone. He kissed her very nastily licking her lips with his tongue. He also bites her lips.

He isn't caring that his family and her family is standing here. He is thinking that Devika is now his and he can do anything with her.

Arnav closed his eyes because he can't see anymore. Avantika is totally expressionless. Arushi is seeing Devika with a pitiful expression. And Devika's whole family is standing like statue. They never expected that something will happen like that.

And about Devika, she is crying in Abhinav's embrace. Her eyes are closed because of shame. She can't look at anyone. Her lips are slightly swollen because of Abhinav's rough kiss.

Abhinav held Devika's hand and stood her up in front of Raghav. Raghav is in total shock. His eyes are looking dead. He can't digest the fact that Devika is now someone else's wife.

Abhinav said," Are you seeing that mangal sutra and Vermilion? I have put them on her. From this moment, she is only mine. If you dare to put your eyes on my wife then I will shove burning rod inside your eyes. And say thanks to God that I am not killing you because today is my wedding. And I don't want to make my hands dirty with your filth today.


Abhinav ordered his guards to beat Raghav and throw him out. And his Guards obliged him.

Everyone is silent because they don't have the courage to talk before Abhinav.


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