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His Eagle Eyes on Me novel Chapter 1079

"Listen, Elliot. Even if you spout all those wild exaggerations about me out there, I would never become someone like that." Avery lay down on the bed, then said, "At the very least, I’m never knitting a sweater again.”

"They don't know you. I just wanted them to know that you didn't climb any ladders to get to me." Elliot wrote down all of his passwords on the piece of paper, then

handed it over to her. "For your perusal, Honey."

Avery accepted his reasoning.

She picked up the piece of paper, went through it in detail, then noticed something that stood out.

"Is the 'AT' at the beginning of your social media password my initials?" "That's right. The pin to my credit card is Layla's birthday," he said. "The two of you are the most important women in my life."

Avery's cheeks flushed. Then, she asked," Are your sons not important?"

"Not relatively as important." Elliot sat by the bed, then added, "You and Layla are much more thoughtful. Our sons just get angry at me all the time."

"Robert has never gotten mad at you. You can't just decide that sons aren't as good just because of your relationship with Hayden."

"It's not that I don't think sons are good. I just think our sons should become independent rather than depend on me." Elliot walked over to the window and pulled back the sheer, white curtains. "I'll help them out before they’re of age. Once they’re no longer minors, I won't coddle them anymore."

Avery immediately retaliated, "Even if they’re no longer minors, they would still be under twenty years old! Are you sure you won't care for them anymore once they're of age?"

"I’ll help them out if they ask for it. If they don't, then I won’t." Elliot took off his coat, hung it, and sat next to Avery. "I don’t want our sons to become a loser like Cole."

Avery folded the piece of paper with the passwords, then kept it in her purse. "Not every child from wealthy families turns out like Cole. Of course, I respect your decision. If the children don't ask for our help, there's no reason for us to get too involved. Hayden's got a strong personality. I doubt he'd want us to get involved in his life either." "That's true."

"Are you sure you don't want to invite your brother to the wedding?" Avery lay down, then wrapped her arms around Elliot. "You invited all your other relatives. Wouldn’t he be upset if he found out?"

"I cut ties with him a long time ago," Elliot said coldly. "I won’t invite him just because he knows my secrets."


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