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His Eagle Eyes on Me novel Chapter 1115

"Okay! Go ahead and call Uncle Eric now, then!"

Avery ended the video call, then called Eric's number.

When the call was answered, she pondered for a moment, then said, "Layla told me that Elliot said something bad about you earlier, Eric... I don't know exactly what he said, but I think I have an idea. Please don't stoop down to his level. He loves Layla too much and ended up thinking up this nonsense. He thinks that, apart from him, all men in the world have impure intentions toward Layla."

"I've never gotten along with him anyway," Eric said. "Nothing he says will affect my relationship with you and Layla."

"That's good. Did you guys have a good time diving today?"

"It was pretty fun. I'll send the photos over to you later."


The door to the bathroom suddenly burst open and Elliot walked out.

Avery did not expect him to finish bathing so soon.

"Didn't you say you were hungry, Avery? Let's go have dinner!" Elliot guessed who she was on the phone with, so he deliberately walked to her side as a warning to the other person to end the hall.

When Eric heard Elliot's voice, he felt like he was provoking him on purpose, then hung up the phone without saying goodbye to Avery.

"I always thought you were someone who was emotionally intelligent, Elliot. How could you say something bad about Eric to his face?" Avery demanded.

"I didn't know he was there." Elliot took her hand and led her to the dining room. "No matter how much I dislike him, I still wouldn't embarrass him like that."

"You need to pay more attention next time, then."

"I will."

In the dining room, the table was filled with a seafood feast. Apart from the food, there was also a bouquet of red roses and two red candles.

The moment they entered the dining room, the butler turned off the lights.

The entire room was instantly lit up by nothing but the flickering candles.

Elliot spoiled the mood ?h!


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