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His Eagle Eyes on Me novel Chapter 1166

The last time Avery felt so terrible was when she stabbed Elliot.

She never liked to run away from anything, but at that moment, she was so aggravated that she lost it all. She did not want to listen to Cole's voice. She felt her heart constrict whenever she heard his voice. She was in so much pain she was about to die.

On the other end of the line. Cole only heard a crashing sound, followed by nothing else.

He looked at the screen, the call was not disconnected. He guessed that Avery smashed her phone in exasperation. He smiled sinisterly.

He wondered how long Avery could last. He hung up and said to Henry, "I'm guessing Avery won't last long." "Cole, let's change houses!" Henry furrowed his brows. "I dreamt that Elliot was coming after us last night. I'm afraid that we might get killed even before getting the money."

"I have thought about this problem. When we get Avery to give us Elliot’s shares, we'll immediately leave the country. Then, let's see if we keep the shares to get the bonuses or sell them. I think it's better to sell them. Although the money we get would not be as much as if we held onto them, it would be one less problem for us."

"Hmm. Let's find another place to stay. A place where Elliot can't find us," Henry said in a low voice, "I have already thought of where to move to."

"Let's move then! As long as Avery asks Elliot for his shares, Elliot would surely be so angry that he would murder us. But Adrian is in our hands. As long as Avery cares about him, she would surely not let Elliot do anything to us.” Cole's expressions darkened, "As long as we can get past this, we will be extremely rich in the future."

"Don't check out of this place yet, we shall not take everything away. Let them mistakenly think that we still stay here," Henry explained his plan.


Henry and Cole packed up and left the place.

At Tate Industries, Avery got up and picked up her broken phone.

Her screen was cracked. She pressed the power button and her home screen appeared. She took her cracked phone

YNV= returned to the office.


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