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His Eagle Eyes on Me novel Chapter 1210

Lilith’s remark made Ben laugh.

He almost felt as if he had lived the past few decades of life in vain because that was the first time that he had ever seen a woman as foolish and ridiculous as her.

"Only someone with a brain aneurysm could say something like that." He squinted at her with suspicious eyes. "How do you think you got pregnant? Magically out of thin air? Or do you think you got pregnant because I held your arm?"

He could not help but laugh again when he said that.

Lilith was figuring out how to respond to him.

"Didn't you say you went to high school, Lilith? I remember Bridgedale having a rather good education system. Why wouldn't a high school graduate like you understand this kind of junior high school biology? I'd expect a naughty girl like you who enjoys fooling around to understand it earlier than normal people!"

Ben not only attacked her verbally but even looked at her with contempt.

His words provoked her and she exploded." You're right, an old man like you who no one wants could never have children.

According to my experience, a man of your age basically can't get it up. Besides, I don't think you'll be able to get your partner to conceive if you had one."

"Lilith White!"

"What's wrong? You can't take it when I say mean stuff about you but it's fine if you say them to me? I'm Elliot's sister, not yours. You have no right to say all that to me!" Lilith glared at him, "Actually, you can scold me if you like on the condition that you give me money."

Ben looked at her shameless appearance and was so angry that he went to fetch himself some water.

"If that's all, I'm leaving." Lilith picked up her bag and made to leave.

"Wait!" Ben walked back immediately. "I haven't finished asking you my questions! Where are you going?!"

"Then make it quick! Once you're done, I'm going back to my place to make up for my sleepless night. I couldn't sleep at your place at all because the mere thought of being under the same roof as you left me feeling absolutely disgusted." Lilith pissed him off on purpose.

Ben slammed the water glass on the coffee table with a bang.

"Who’s the father?!"

"Tch. Didn't you call the baby a b*st*rd?”

"Don’t piss me off, Lilith!"


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