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His Eagle Eyes on Me novel Chapter 1324

Ruby lay in bed and waited from nine to ten, then from ten to twelve o'clock.

She had slept through most of the day, so despite it being midnight, the did not feel sleepy.

She had picked up her phone a few times, wanting to call Elliot, but refrained from doing so when she remembered what he said before leaving.

Her father, her brother, and Elliot were all men; and all men were players by nature. Men could not possibly stay in love with one particular woman for their entire life.

Since she was old enough to remember, she had seen her father dating countless women. Even now, he was still dating women. He would spoil his partner rotten every single time, but when he eventually fell out of love, he became cold immediately.

Her brother was worse. He had gotten married at a young age, but that did not stop him from keeping countless mistresses throughout the years. He was worse than his father.

Ruby’s sister-in-law had fought Christopher a few times in the beginning, but she had soon realized that nothing would change. So, she ignored all of his infidelity and focused all of her love and care on the children, and she devoted all her attention to her status as Mrs. Gould.

Ruby comforted herself gloomily, "At least Elliot doesn't date a different woman every other day."

So long as she remained his wife and he treated her well on the outside, she could tolerate anything.

At two in the morning, a white light shone into the room from the yard. It was the headlights of a car.

She immediately put her phone down and pretended to be asleep.

Shortly after, she began to hear footsteps approaching and the door of the bedroom slowly swinging open.

There was a nightlight in the bedroom and Elliot could see Ruby's face under the yellow light.

He had checked all of the major hotels in the city tonight, but he did not manage to find Hayden. Hayden had either created another alias or had gone to stay in a small hostel.


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