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His Eagle Eyes on Me novel Chapter 133

Avery's hair was pulled back in a simple ponytail, and she was dressed in a blue denim jacket over a long white dress.

With her guitar in her arms, she took a seat on the high stool placed at the center of the stage.

As she adjusted the mic stand in front of her, the room lights dimmed, and she was illuminated by the light of the spotlight that was trained on her.

The melodic strumming of Avery's guitar began to echo through the hall, followed by her angelic singing.

Her gaze did not search the crowd for anyone in particular, but she could feel a pair of eyes watching her intently.

Avery shut her eyes to immerse herself in her performance.

Soon after, the stage lights lit up and a colorful wave of flower petals floated down from the ceiling.

The audience burst into wild, frenzied cheers.

Avery opened her eyes, her thick lashes fluttering.

Her face was a picture of bewilderment as petals rustled down in front of her eyes.

Nobody told her that there would be a flower shower during her performance!

Was this a last minute arrangement?

Avery's cheeks were hot with embarrassment, but she powered through the rest of her song.

Suddenly, a drone appeared out of thin air and flew towards the stage.

On top of the drone was a bouquet of flowers!

The audience broke into another roar of excitement.

Avery's heart pounded along with the enthusiastic applause and hurrahs. 1

Tammy was so envious backstage that she began to sniffle.

"That old geezer sure has his ways!"

She had just called Elliot Foster boring that afternoon.

However, there was nothing boring about this flower shower and bouquet-sending drone!

Tammy felt like she was getting countless slaps to the face.

The drone stopped in midair right in front of Avery as she came to the end of her song.

With raised brows and pursed lips, she hesitantly picked up the bouquet of flowers from the drone.


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