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His Eagle Eyes on Me novel Chapter 1332

It became clear that Jed and Avery’s bodyguard did not want him there, and it was clear that they did not want him to drink the juice. The juice was average juice, and so the reason they did not want him to drink it could not be because it was some kind of precious or expensive juice.

Suspecting that something was wrong, Elliot raised the glass and pretended to drink it.

"Hey! Don't drink that!" Jed said and snatched the glass out of Elliot's hand.

Avery's expression instantly darkened.

"Why can't he drink it?" She glanced at the glass of juice in her hand. "Is there something wrong with the juice?" As soon as those words were out, the entire table fell silent. Both Jed and the bodyguard lowered their heads, uncertain of what to say.

Arron picked up the spoon and said, "There might be something wrong with the juice, but the food is fine, right? I'm starving! Can I eat?"

"The food is fine so go ahead!" Jed said.

"'The food is fine', so you are admitting that something is wrong with the juice, then? Were you planning on poisoning her?"

"Why would we ever poison her? It’s just sleeping pills," Jed explained frantically.

Once the truth was out, Avery immediately got up to leave.

"Avery, let me explain!" Jed caught up to her and pulled her back. "We wanted to take you back to Aryadelle. Look at you, even Hayden is worried about you. He came all the way here for you. If you continue to stay here, what will you do if your other child comes over as well?"

"So you decided to lie to me and drug me?" Avery could not accept what they plotted to do to her.

"Boss, you won't listen when we try to reason with you!" the bodyguard said in resignation. "We wouldn't have resorted to this unless we had run out of options!"

Avery was still furious.


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