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His Eagle Eyes on Me novel Chapter 1384

Mike insisted, "I couldn't have gotten the wrong information. He never flew from Ylore."

"To hell with him!" the bodyguard cursed." None of us were able to get through to him."

"How is Avery's condition?" Mike did not care that much about Jed and was more concerned for Avery. "Is she able to talk? I'd like to hear her voice."

The bodyguard came into the ward with his cell phone while the doctor was checking Avery's temperature and blood pressure.

Although her eyes were open, they were still a little lifeless.

"I'm afraid she can't talk to you now, but I'll ask her to call you back when she feels better," the bodyguard ended the call immediately after.

It did not take long before Wesley came calling again.

The bodyguard stood outside the door of the ward and answered the phone. "She’s awake, but she can’t talk to you on the phone right now. I don't think she’s completely back to her senses yet."

"That's normal after surgery. She'll probably be much better tomorrow."

"Wesley, you probably know Jed too, right? He sent a message to Miss Tate and said that he was going back to Bridgedale, but Mike did some investigating and informed me that Jed didn't go back to Bridgedale. What do you think is going on? ” the bodyguard asked.

"I just called him, but his phone was switched off." "Then do you know his address?"

"No, unfortunately," Wesley said. "Jed is supposed to be a trustworthy person, or else Avery wouldn't have sought his help."

"Then why did he send such a message to her? And if he isn't at Bridgedale, where could he be?" The bodyguard wanted an answer to those questions.

"Why don't you go to his hotel?"

"I did! I did just this morning, but there was a 'Do Not Disturb' sign on it." The bodyguard paused and then continued, "I'll check again at the hotel. Mike was sure that Jed didn't leave, and if he didn't, the only place he could be is in the hotel..."

The bodyguard was starting to feel uneasy and there was cold sweat on his back.

Once the call was over, the bodyguard returned to the ward.

The doctor had just finished checking Avery's condition ?d.


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