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His Eagle Eyes on Me novel Chapter 2210

"Okay... I will send you some clothes and living necessities once I get home!" Mike said. "Send me a list of what you need."

"Sure. Just get the bodyguard to send them over."

"Okay. We will get going now!" Mike knew he would not be of much help here and decided to stay out of Avery's way.

Once they left, Avery went for a full-body sanitization and put on the isolation gown to prepare to enter the ICU.

The doctor who performed the surgery on Elliot went inside with her.

"Don't worry, Miss Tate. We predict that Mr. Foster will be regaining consciousness in a few days' time," he consoled her.

"How many days, exactly?" she asked. She did not know about Elliot's current condition and the doctor who performed the surgery knew it best.

"I would say within three days!" the doctor said. "It might be a concern if he doesn't wake up until then, though."

Avery tensed.

"Miss Tate, I said that he would wake up in a few days because all his vitals are improving, so there's hope," the doctor continued. "The device that Angela claimed to bring the dead back to life is a scam! It's a lie she told using the fear people have toward death!"

Avery did not dare to agree with the doctor because Elliot was still unconscious at the moment. As long as he did not wake up, she would continue to doubt the doctor's words.

"I've been talking to Wesley for the last couple of days, and I think that the reason Angela chose to commit suicide immediately after she won the Marshall's Award is because she never should have gotten the award in the first place! Once she was exposed for her lies, the award and the glory she received would all be taken away from her," the doctor said confidently. "She chose to kill herself to hold onto that glory. That way, even if the award was revoked, she wouldn't know because she is dead. Not only was she good at lying to others, but she was also just as good at lying to herself. "


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