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His Eagle Eyes on Me novel Chapter 2389

"Hmm… I know Layla is mature. She is no longer a child, which was why I was a little worried that she would have those sort of feelings for Eric," Avery said, voicing her concerns.

This made Mrs. Cooper grow worried, too.

"Truth be told, I've never thought about it that way. But your worries are not illogical. Layla has truly grown up. Children nowadays are exposed to the internet earlier. It makes sense that they would mature much earlier than people in the past. If you're worried about it, you could talk to Layla," Mrs. Cooper said.

"I don't know how to bring it up. Eric is such a great person. Many girls like him, including me. I admire him a lot. I'm just afraid that Layla, at her age, doesn't know how to differentiate the many types of 'like'…"

"Why don't you talk to Eric? I think Eric has set his boundaries. Even if Layla confesses to him, he will reject her." Mrs. Cooper felt relieved when she said that. "You are Eric's savior. He won't mess about with Layla."

"I'm not worried about Eric doing anything to Layla. If I was, I would never have let him take Layla out to play in the past. I'm just afraid that Layla's life will be affected by this." Avery shook her head. "I'm not going to think about this. It was Elliot who was suddenly sad today that the children are all grown up and leaving us, which is why I've suddenly thought about this."

"Why would Master Elliot suddenly think that?" Mrs. Cooper was rather surprised.

"He is getting more and more sentimental lately. I'm guessing it's because of his age. He always needs me to comfort him." Avery smiled. "I find him quite adorable this way."

"I'm very happy for you two, seeing how your relationship with each other is getting better." Mrs. Cooper was sincerely happy for them.

Avery pondered this for a few seconds before saying, "Before, even when I was with him, I would always have these nonsensical, pessimistic thoughts. But this time, there are none. I feel extremely secure."

"That's good. That means that both of your hearts have settled down!"


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