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His Eagle Eyes on Me novel Chapter 2543

"Even if I date Eric, you can beat him up if he mistreats me!" Layla looked up. "Hayden, there's no point in discussing this. He already has a girlfriend."

"Stop crying. You are pathetic." Hayden clenched his fists at the sight of his sister crying.

"I'm just upset, Hayden. I didn't mind his age, yet he turned me down," she muttered before walking over to hug Hayden. "You all protected me so well as I grew up. I had everything that I asked for, and everyone heeded my every wish. no one has ever turned me down on anything, so I guess... this is the gods' way of telling me that things don't always go my way..."

Her tears melted Hayden's heart. "Layla, you will eventually find someone who will cherish you for life."

"Before he turned me down, I was so happy whenever I saw him or texted him, Hayden. It wasn't the same type of happiness I experience with family or friends, so I thought that it has to be love." She wiped her tears away on Hayden's shirt and sniffed. "Whatever. I don't want to talk about him anymore. He is probably going to get married soon."

"Do you want me to help?" Seeing how depressed she was, Hayden wanted to cheer her up.

She looked up. "How, Hayden? Are you going to get Eric to break up with his girlfriend?"

"What are you talking about?!" he scowled. "I'm saying that I will help you look for a boyfriend."

"... Matchmaking? Are you serious? Do I look that desperate to the point that I need to resort to matchmaking?"

"Is there anyone around you that fits your requirements?"

She shook her head. There were plenty of men around her, but she was not interested in any of them.

"If that's the case, and you want to date, matchmaking might be the only way." Worried for his sister, Hayden said, "Think about it and call me if you want my help."


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