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His Eagle Eyes on Me novel Chapter 2895

The bodyguard immediately scowled. "You know what's wrong with Mr. Tate? How?" He grabbed Shelly by the collar and dragged her into the room.

"Be gentle! I didn't do this to your boss! I just..." Shelly wanted to tell the truth but was worried that they might not believe her.

Hayden heard the noise from inside the bathroom and came out of the shower wearing his bathrobe.

"What's going on?" He did not bother drying his hair, and there was still water dripping from his hair.

"Mr. Tate, your bodyguard has a misunderstanding with me! He thinks that I drugged your drink... but I didn't... I saw how flushed you were and figured that you drank something that you shouldn't... I work in this hotel... and you'd be surprised how frequently this sort of thing happens... I just thought I would warn you. I don't know anything else." Shelly clarified the situation and made sure to exclude her involvement in the matter.

If Hayden was as smart as he was described to be in rumors, he would understand what had happened.

To her bewilderment, Hayden's bodyguard seemed to come to realization even sooner than Hayden himself.

"Boss, someone was plotting against you!" The bodyguard roared in rage. "This has to be the doing of that damned woman, Lola! She wants to trap you! I'm going to bring her here right now!"

Hayden shot the bodyguard a cold glare. "She's a relative of the Santoses. Calm down!"

"How dare they do such a thing to you? Are you seriously going to put up with it? You can't!" the bodyguard argued.

"I can't ruin my sister's wedding over such a small thing! Keep your mouth shut!" Hayden commanded.

The bodyguard instantly reluctantly quieted down, before asking, "Should I call for a doctor, then?"

"Calling a doctor will alert my parents," Hayden drawled before reaching for the glass of ice water on the table.

He felt slightly better after the cold shower, and since he insisted on not looking for the culprit, the bodyguard could only obey, as Hayden was still the boss.

Most importantly, Hayden was never the kind of man who would tolerate such behavior had it not been Layla's wedding that day.

"You still look off. I can't exactly do anything about it, so this waitress will stay here and look after you!" the bodyguard said and left before Hayden could respond, shutting the door behind him.


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