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His Eagle Eyes on Me novel Chapter 3087

The Woods’ kitchen was just like it was three years ago, and the servants who worked inside remained unchanged.

Although Ivy felt a strong connection to them, they did not recognize her.

When she brought fruits for them to eat, they were very grateful and treated her with great courtesy.

"What should we call you, Miss? Mrs. Woods might still be asleep," one of the servants said.

"She's still not awake? She used to get up quite early," Ivy replied naturally.

"Yes! She never used to sleep in, but, ever since so many unfortunate things happened in the family, she has developed insomnia. She can't sleep at night and can only get some rest during the day," the servant explained.

"Have there been a lot of unfortunate events in the Woods family?" Ivy tensed.

"Didn't your mother tell you? I thought everyone in the neighborhood knew!" the servant said.

"I study overseas and rarely come home. My mother didn't tell me anything," Ivy explained with a smile.

"Well... Our eldest young master had an affair last year, and the woman had a child with him. She came looking for him and forced him to divorce his wife. It angered his wife, who divorced him in a fit of anger. You know, his wife's family is quite wealthy, and they had business dealings with the Woods. Because of this, her family broke ties with the Woods, causing losses in their business," the servant revealed.

Ivy nodded. "So, did the young master marry the other woman?"

"No. Mrs. Woods was furious and refused to accept the mistress. Master simply drove our young master out of the company and let the second young master take over. The second young master seemed quite reliable at first, but, after taking over the company, he made several wrong decisions, causing significant financial losses. That's why the master brought his eldest son back," the servant continued.

"What about the second young master?" Ivy inquired.


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