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His Eagle Eyes on Me novel Chapter 532

Judging by the way she looked, it was impossible that Avery was fine.

Even the children could feel that something was wrong, and it was not a small matter either.

"Take your sister and have dinner first, Hayden. I'll take dinner upstairs to your mother," said the nanny.

Hayden took Layla's hand and led her to the dining room.

The nanny prepared a tray of food and took it upstairs,

In the master bedroom on the second floor, Avery’s hand was trembling as she pulled the tape recorder out of the box.

Without a hint of hesitation, she hit the pay


"Rumor has it that Professor James Hough had a last pupil whose skills surpassed his! Tell me who it is!"

"I don't know. The professor never told me."

The familiar voice in the recording made the trembling in Avery's body worsen!

It was Wesley's voice!

"I see. Since you don't know, then I'll cut off your finger and send it to the most likely candidate... Let's see if we can get her to come here."

The ominous tone in the other voice was eerily sinister.

What followed was the sound of a knife slamming onto a surface, and a shocking scream!

Wesley's cry of sheer agony made Avery

break down instantly!

Tears blurred her vision as she clenched her fists. Her nails were digging into her palms, but she could not feel the pain!

The nanny stood in front of the door to the master bedroom with the tray of food in her hands.

As she was about to knock on the door, she vaguely heard the sound of a scream from inside the bedroom.


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