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His Eagle Eyes on Me novel Chapter 540

In the special care unit at the hospital, Wesley's body was covered in bandages and his eyes were swollen and bloody.

There was a separate bandage on his hand that clearly showed that he was missing a finger.

Layla and Hayden were not allowed to enter the room, so the bodyguard was watching them outside.

On the other hand, Shea entered the room. She widened her bright eyes and stared at the man on the hospital bed, but could not recognize him even after watching him closely.

"Who... Who is this?" she asked softly as she was afraid to disturb the patient on the bed.

Mike turned around and saw her shock, so he walked her to the door and said, "That’s Wesley. Shea, go outside..."

Shea instantly broke down.

She shoved Mike aside, then ran over to the bed as tears rolled down her face.

"Wesley! What happened to you? Who did this to you?" She wanted to hold his hand, but she was afraid of touching his wounds. In the end, she grabbed onto the blanket and said, "The sunflower you gave me last time... You said it was a symbol of hope for me... I'll give that hope back to you now, alright?"

Elliot's emotions were a mess as he heard his sister's sobs. He did not expect Wesley to be tortured to this degree.

Although he was not close to Wesley, it was still unbearable for Elliot to see him in this state. Not to mention, Wesley meant a lot to Avery.

He wondered how upset Avery would be if she saw Wesley like this.

Elliot suddenly recalled the scene at the airport. If he had stopped Avery from getting to Bridgedale in time and caused Wesley's death, she would despise him!

Perhaps it was a good thing that she stuck to her decision and did not cause such a tragedy.

He would rather Avery owe him, than owe something to her himself.

However, now that she was trapped in the jaws of a monster, how could they guarantee her safety?

Could she end up with a worse fate than Wesley?


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