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His Eagle Eyes on Me novel Chapter 880

After arriving at the second park attraction, there was still a long line at the gates.

Naturally, Layla queued up at the VIP lane.

There was no way that Elliot Foster would let his daughter queue.

Although the outdoor temperature was relatively cool and comfortable today, it was tiring to line up.

He hated queueing!

He marched forward, pulled Layla's arm, and said lovingly, "Dear, daddy will take you in directly."

Layla frowned. "Are you saying we jump the queue?"

Elliot nodded without thinking.

Mike was gearing up, having anticipated what would happen next.

At this time. Brad walked up to Elliot and reported the little episode that took place an hour ago.

"I hate queue jumping the most! A bad lady was cutting the queue just now so I drove her away! It wouldn't be fair if I did the same despicable thing myself." Though Layla didn't want to queue, she couldn't do what she hated with her conscience.

Even with his daughter's mood, he still couldn't bear to see his daughter suffer in line.

So he made a decisive call. "We won't cut the queue today. Daddy will close the park and let you enjoy all the rides."

The park manager's blood went cold. If the park were to close for one day, on the weekend no less, how big of a loss would it be? Had Mr. Foster considered that?

The park had only been in operation for a little more than three months. It hadn't even recouped the original investment.

Brad saw Elliot's move coming from miles away.

Elliot Foster avoided crowded places like the plague.

If Layla hadn't come here to play today, he wouldn’t have come.

Even if work inspection was being carried out, he would always send his men to do it.

All he could do was find a way to keep his daughter from queuing >d*


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