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His Eagle Eyes on Me novel Chapter 962

Mike heard the meaning behind her words, and he brutally shattered her illusion, "No matter where he's going, it's impossible that he's going to Sierra University. Why would someone as high and mighty as him willingly share the secrets to his success with a bunch of strangers? Take a look online and you'll see that he's never accepted many interviews. Besides, he's a man of a few words. Do you really think that he could stand up on stage and give a lecture?"

Mike's words woke Avery up from her dream.

"I know Elliot. Why the heck am I harboring such delusions?!" thought Avery.

Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment, and Mike did not continue to make fun of her.

"How about I give Chad a call and ask him about it? Maybe he really is going to Mount Sierra?" Mike stopped making fun of Avery, but he could not stop himself from making fun of Elliot. "Mount Sierra is a nice place. They've got beautiful mountains and fresh air. It's a great place to go on vacation.

Maybe he's just saying he's on a business trip but is actually going to Mount Sierra on vacation?"

Avery's temples began to ache. "Whether he's there on business or pleasure, it’s got nothing to do with me. I don't want to know where he’s going. Don't ask Chad, and stop talking about it."

She peeled a hard-boiled egg and placed it on Mike's plate.

"What time is your flight? I'll take you to the airport," Mike asked after taking a bite of the egg.

"I haven't even bought my ticket yet!" Avery lowered her gaze and said, "My mind's a mess. I'm not prepared at all. I was planning on going back to the office today."

Seeing her miserable face, Mike comforted her and said, "Mount Sierra's a great place. It's not open to the public, so it's cut off from the rest of the world and is especially peaceful. Treat it as a one-week retreat!"

"What do you take me for? Do I look like someone who wants to be cut off from the world? If there's no internet there, then I'm leaving right away."

"How could they not have internet? All the attendees of that training course are company presidents. You might not die without an internet connection, but they definitely won't be able to h=d)>ULT?le it," Mike teased.

"I can't handle not having an internet connection either. I need to video call the kids every day."


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