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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 1019

Cary, who was on the other end of the line, smiled,"So, what you're telling me is that Susan complained to you about me? Am I right?"

"Exactly," Sheryl also smiled as she responded to him. "We were talking and somehow your name came up. She just left. She seemed really startled this time around."

"You know, Sheryl, it was not all my fault," Cary sighed. Then he started explaining himself,"I had to lie about Susan. I told everyone that she was my fiancee, just to help her get out of BM Corporation. Other than that reason, I don't have an excuse for interfering in any manner. However...who knew things would develop like that. My grandfather heard the rumor and insisted that I take Susan home and introduce them to one another. I didn't have a choice. That is why I have to take her to see my family this evening."

"What? You didn't have a choice? Well, it seems to me that you aren't reluctant to introduce her to your family at all. Instead, you want to do it, right?" Sheryl was making fun of Cary intentionally. She then switched her tone suddenly and became very serious. "Cary...I don't know whether I should be saying this to you, but I feel like I have to remind you that she is, after all, a girl. She is bashful. So, I think you..."

"Sheryl, stop. You can rest assured. I know what I feel and where to draw the line. I won't embarrass her. I wouldn't feel right to do so," Cary interrupted Sheryl. He then reassured her about his intentions,"I have to tell you. After spending time with Susan, I really did fall in love with her and I'm serious about starting a relationship with her. However, I'm not going to push her before I am sure about how she feels. So, that's why I prefer to just... I prefer to tease her. At least for now...I want to let her know how strong my feeling is towards her. I want her to be my woman for life, and I will remind her to stay away from other men every single day! You can count on that."

Hmm! Sheryl couldn't help but let out a chuckle. She commented,"Well, if you really like her and you are sincere about it, then I can rest assured that you'll do the right thing. Cary, I am well aware that even though Susan doesn't admit it, I know she has feelings for you. There's no need to ever doubt her in that regard."

Sheryl hung up the phone and smiled once more. She then decided to visit Sue. She recalled that she hadn't seen Sue in a long time. Sheryl bought some fruit along with her during her lunch break and then headed over to Anthony's house.

"Who is it?" Laura asked after hearing the doorbell ring.

Hearing Laura's voice, Sheryl felt a bit scared, even though Laura had been quite friendly to her the last time they met. Regardless of how Laura treated her now, Sheryl remembered how much Laura hated her in the past.

"It's me, Sheryl," Sheryl answered after hesitating for a moment. The door opened and Sheryl saw Laura standing in the doorway with a smile on her face. She then greeted,"Hello, Sheryl. What brings you here? Have you come to pay a visit to Sue?"

"Uh...yes." Sheryl nodded. She felt weird talking with Laura like they were friends. She added,"I haven't seen her for a long time and that's why I came to visit. I also wanted to know how she's been lately. I've brought some fruit for her."

"You don't need to buy her any gifts. Sue will be happy to merely just see you," Laura smiled politely. She leaned to the one side of the door and in a friendly manner, invited Sheryl to come inside. "Please, come in. Sue is upstairs."

"Thank you, Aunt Laura." This time around, Sheryl noticed that Laura seemed different and that she might have changed her attitude towards her.

"You are welcome," Laura smiled. They walked inside together and Laura continued speaking. "I know that you are Sue's best friend. I know that she will be very happy to see you. So, make yourself at home. You are welcome to visit here at any time, but don't bring any gifts next time. It's unnecessary.

Since Sue has fallen pregnant, I have prepared a lot of food for her at home. The refrigerator is packed at the moment."


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