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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 1020

"Please don't say that. It's all behind us now. Besides, I never blamed you," Sheryl said with a genuine smile. "In fact, I also did something wrong. We should just leave the past behind."

"I'm glad to hear that," Laura returned as she smiled in relief. She motioned to the stairway at the end of the hall as she continued, "Sue is resting upstairs. You may go and check on her now.

Please stay and join us for dinner. I will cook some delicious food for you." "No, thanks," Sheryl refused her offer instantly.

"Come on, Sheryl, please say yes," Laura urged. Narrowing her eyes at Sheryl, she asked skeptically, "Are you still mad at me? Otherwise, why would you refuse to eat with us?" "No, please don't get me wrong," Sheryl explained as she shook her hands.

The frown on the elder's face disappeared. She beamed, "Then stay and have dinner with us. You can also spend more time with Sue."

Watching the hesitant look on Sheryl's face, she persuaded her, "Sue has been required to stay home recently. She must feel dull. I'm sure she would be delighted to see you."

"Okay, I will stay as you wish," Sheryl finally agreed.

Since Laura showed her great hospitality, she couldn't find a reason to refuse her invitation. Sheryl headed upstairs and went straight to Sue's room. As she came in, she saw her staring out the window. Hearing her footsteps, the pregnant woman turned around and caught sight of her bestie. As expected, her presence brought her great satisfaction. Ecstatic, she sprinted towards her and held her hand. "Oh, Sher, you're here!" she gushed.

"Oh, geez! Couldn't you slow down?" Sheryl frowned at her reckless friend before she said, "You scared the hell out of me. Let me remind you again. You're pregnant so you should always be careful."

"It's okay," Sue assured her with a smile. She then started to whine, "You have no idea how boring it is to stay home all day. I was about to call you up. It is really driving me nuts."

"Come on, Mimi, it's not that bad. Anyway, you can't go anywhere now," Sheryl comforted as she took her hand and led Sue to sit on the bed with her. "You know, it's not safe outside. Since you are having a baby soon, everyone will be worried if you go out alone. What if anything happens to you? We can't afford to bear the consequence."

"I know they do this for my good. Anthony told me the same. In fact, I understand why he's doing this. But I got nothing to do at home. Every morning when I wake up, Anthony already left for work. I only go downstairs during breakfast and lunch time. I spend most of the time in my bedroom. When Anthony gets off work, we have dinner together. Then we usually go for a walk and that's the only time that I can relax. Such a dull life is really not my thing. Sometimes I thought it would've been better if I hadn't gotten pregnant," Sue uttered with a resigned smile.

"What are you talking about?"

Sheryl scowled with a warning, "You always say such stupid things. I am telling you, your unborn baby can hear you." "Is that so?" Sue was shocked.

She rubbed her baby bump and explained hurriedly, "Oh, honey, I was just kidding." Looking at the rattled Sue, Sheryl burst into laughter.


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