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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 1135

"No, no. I just get a little nervous when I see you. When I was a child, my parents often told me to listen to the police and go to the police in case of difficulties, so I..." Vivi started to explain.

But the leader interrupted her. "Shut your nonsense!

Now listen. Warren, you get out of the car. Find a taxi and then track Duncan with Vivi," the leader ordered.

"Yes, Sir!" Warren immediately opened the door and got out of the car to find a taxi.

"Baron, Stanley. You are with me. We'll follow their taxi from a distance."

"Yes, Sir!" the two men nodded.

"Sir, what about our brothers who went to look for them? Should we call them back?" one of the policemen asked.

"Ask them to go to Beauty Mountain Villa. Let's make sure that the suspect is caught alive without bringing any harm to the children."

"Yes, Sir."

Soon after, Warren came back with a borrowed taxi. "Vivi, get in this car."

Vivi nodded in agreement. As she was getting out of the police car, she asked, "Sir, do I need to take the suitcase with me?"

"Bring the suitcase, but not like that," said Warren.

"Not like that? What do you mean?" Vivi was clueless.

Warren turned around and fixed his eyes on a pile of bricks not too far away. He smiled. "Take the money out of the suitcase and put those bricks inside it."

Vivi looked at the bricks and then nodded at him. She was ready to do whatever the police asked her to. She wanted to live a good life; that was all she ever wanted. Even if Duncan was arrested, she could still be with her current boyfriend.

Although that man was too stingy to get her anything fancy, he was still better than a kidnapper like Duncan.

Vivi had always been a realistic woman.

She never denied her purpose, and naturally never gave up on her path to a good life.

As long as she could achieve her goal, she would do whatever was needed.

"Charles, what should we do now?" Sheryl asked anxiously. Sheryl wanted to go with the police, but she was afraid that Duncan might hurt Shirley and Clark if he saw her and Charles.

"You will be coming with us and you will stay in the car." The leader had heard Sheryl's question and responded decisively before Charles could answer.

Sheryl did not immediately understand the police's arrangement. However, as Charles maintained a calm and clear mind, he knew the reason why the police asked them to stay clear.

He figured that the police were probably afraid that the children might get into some danger, or Duncan might go back on his word. If that happened, they could adjust their strategy according to the situation and deal with the kidnapper. In such a scenario, they would be a liability to them.

"All right," Charles agreed.

"Sher, don't be afraid. The police will rescue Clark and Shirley. The children will be all right. Let's follow their plan and stay with them. We will be informed of what is happening if we stick to them. Don't you think so?" he consoled Sheryl.

"Yeah, I guess," Sheryl said.


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