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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 1136

Human beings were all greedy!

And Duncan was no exception.

"Shut up!" Duncan glanced at his wrist and found there was a little time left for himself. He needed to quickly hide the two children in the underground garage of the villa and then planned his final recourse to blackmail Sheryl.

As aoon as the police hanged up the phone, Sheryl's phone suddenly rang. It was the electronically converted voice again. "Mrs. Lu, are you missing your children?"

The voice Sheryl heard sounded a little breathless, which gave her a bad feeling. She didn't know what Duncan had just done.

"Have you gotten the money? Could you let my children go?" Fear gripped her heart.

"Mrs. Lu, don't be so anxious. I think you should like to trade with me, right?"

"What do you mean?" What Sheryl worried the most still happened.

Duncan did not keep his promise!

"It's quite simple. Your husband is Charles, who is currently the CEO of Shining Company. Since you two are wealthy, I think that 50 million for you to buy the lives of your children is a bit cheap. Don't you think?" Duncan snorted and continued, "So this time, I don't want just much.' Another 50 million! Put this 50 million at the agreed place just now and then call me. I swear, if you obey me this time, I will return your son and daughter to you!"

"You know you are asking too much!" Sheryl was extremely enraged—this person even dared to ask another 50 million.

How would she get that such amount of money at this time!

"I'm asking too much? Mrs. Lu, I think you should make it clear now who is asking too much!". Duncan had become accustomed to an obedient Sheryl. How could he let her children that easily?

After all, Clark and Shirley were still under his control.

As long as the trump card was still in his possession, he was not afraid of anything!

After throwing out those words, Duncan then gave a heavy slap in Shirley's body, making a loud sound, which shocked Sheryl.

She heard her daughter whimpering, and she could perceive Shirley's writhing in pain.

Shirley was in pain, and she burst into tears. Because her mouth was still gagged, she could only let out a muffled cry.

The child was too scared to struggle, and she was losing control of that fear.

Frightened, she started whining. "Mmm...Mmm..." But her distressed cry only sounded like she was humming in a muffled voice.

Hearing how her daughter was suffering, Sheryl shut her eyes in anguish. She was desperate and left with no choice.

She fought the urge to decline Duncan's request, though she knew that she would have a hard time raising 50 million in cash.

It was undeniable that the Shining Company had a great deal of money and resources, and Charles belonged to a well-to-do family. However, readying the hefty amount of cash would be subjected to the Company's turn around. And surely, no one would leave a hundred million in cold cash at home.

At this moment, she praised herself that she had chosen to coordinate with the police force.

Otherwise, one wrong move from her, that would irritate and provoke Duncan, the children might be in a dangerous situation. And she could not let that happen.

"Well, I give you my word." Sheryl pretended to promise.

"Very good. You still have an hour left. After you put the money in place, just call me. And I will tell you the exact location of your children. You can find them yourself. Don't try to call the police. You know the consequence!"

Duncan warned her. He knew Sheryl would be careful enough to follow his demands for the sake of her children's safety.

"I promise you."

Then he hung up the phone.


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