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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 1343

Looking sideways, Holley was frightened out of wits when she saw Black. On the back of her mind, she could foresee the terrible consequences the incident would cause her and how things would slip out of her control. Without any hesitation, she loosened her grip of Charles and trotted towards Black subconsciously.

When Black saw her approach, his face turned ghastly pale with anger. Turning his head away from the unpleasant sight, he ignored Holley and strode away immediately. Holley tried to chase his footsteps, however, Black was a tall man with long legs and he was determined to leave this place and keep his distance away from her. Thus with his long strides, it was impossible for her to catch up with him.

Black went out of her sight soon. Holley had to give up and leaned against the wall, panting. She pulled her phone out and called Black, but couldn't get through. She had to explain to him, but he just refused to listen to her.

Sad and dejected, Holley didn't know what to do. But no matter how restless she was, she had to cheer herself up and force herself to attend the meeting.

The meeting was resumed and Holley pinched her arm, trying her best to focus on what others were talking about, but she just couldn't concentrate. She just sat there in a trance. The project manager of Tarsan Corporation was talking something about the plans, but she couldn't care less. Her mind had drifted away.

"And this is our opinion. We insist on Plan A. Thank you!" The delegate of Shining Company made a bow and returned to his seat.

After that, the delegate of Tarsan Corporation also stated his opinion. Time was going by, yet the members still couldn't reach a consensus on this issue. The delegates were restless and raising their voices as to force the meeting to a stop. However, the project manager of Tarsan Corporation stood up and raised his voice breaking the incessant huddles.

"Miss Ye, I'd like to hear your thoughts on this," motioned the project manager of Tarsan Corporation, shifting his eyes towards Holley's direction. Both sides could not convince each other, and the atmosphere grew tense, so he wanted to seek help from Holley.

To his dismay, however, Holley was absent-minded. All she was thinking about was the man who had turned his back on her. When she suddenly heard someone call out her name, she came back to earth. She cleared her throat and blinked nervously. "Excuse me, but could you repeat your question? I didn't catch it."

"What do you think of the reasons that the Shining Company gave us in adopting Plan A, Miss Ye?"

With every eye in the meeting room focused on her, Holley was in a cold sweat. She clenched her fist and forced herself to come up with an answer, considering that her brain was almost blank yet preoccupied at the same time. Though she was thinking hard as to answer the question, still nothing concrete came into her mind.

As a matter of fact, she was completely at a loss as to what they were talking about, let alone the reasons given by the Shining Company. But she couldn't just tell them that she was absent-minded, or else not only her but the whole Tarsan Corporation would be disgraced. Right at that crucial moment, she panicked even more at the thought that she was carrying the name of the company with her and that she would dragged them down in case she failed this time.

"Well...I think there is probably some truth in their arguments, but according to the project itself and the particular case of Tarsan Corporation, the question as to whether we should adopt Plan A is still up to discussion. Thus, I suggest that we keep it that way for the mean time. Maybe…uh..maybe it would be for the good of everyone, right?"

Confused as to where the words came from, Holley's answer was vague and ambiguous. It was nothing but rubbish to the attendees of the meeting. Everyone, including the managers from the Shining Company, cast a strange look at her, which had put a huge strain on her. Everyone, including the project manager of Tarsan Corporation, had expected something from her. Something that would probably put an end to the endless argument and force the battle towards their side. However, hearing the words from her, everyone was surprised.

Unused to hearing such a vague opinion from Holley, Charles glanced at her coldly. Yet deep inside him, he was laughing secretly. He looked down upon and pity those who were perfunctory, and believed that Holley was not qualified to be his partner nor his opponent.

As silence commenced after Holley spoke, the project manager of Tarsan Corporation noticed the embarrassing atmosphere. Thus he smiled and stood up. "It seems that we can't reach an agreement today. Why don't we call it a day and discuss it later, so we can have more time to think about it and improve the plans? Mr. Lu, Miss Ye, what do you think?"

By the way it appeared, Holley knew that he was trying to extricate her from the awkward situation. She had no choice but to nod her head in haste. Furthermore, she also realized that it would be to her advantage because she could escape and look for Black immediately. She was desperate after all.

On the other side of the table, Charles also nodded in silence. Others, then, echoed his words. They collected the papers spread on the table, moved their chairs and left the meeting room. Off they went, and Holley herself couldn't wait for the room to be emptied for her to hurry out. She thought it would be rude as a member of the host company to leave the room first.


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