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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 1344

'Where is Black? Where did he run off to all of a sudden?' Holley wondered. She found herself tied up in knots, disquieted by Black's sudden disappearance.

Suddenly, it dawned upon Holley that she knew nothing about him. Just now she realized that she had no idea where to look for him, besides his company and his house. In fact, Black's personal life, his friends and where he would go for some down-time were a complete mystery to her.

Helpless and exhausted, she had no choice but to wait for Black outside his doorstep.

Just outside Black's house, Holley sat on the floor looking drawn and haggard. Deep down in her heart, however, she firmly believed that Black would soon appear in front of her. After all, Black loved her dearly and would come back to her after his anger had dissipated. Drifting off to her daydreams, she imagined that Black would be so moved to see her waiting for him that he would forgive her and everything would get back to normal.

Unfortunately, even though she had somehow spent several hours waiting out in the cold, there was still no sign of him.

Suddenly, feeling a sharp pang of pain thrust through her stomach, she realized that she hadn't eaten anything since afternoon, not even a drop of water. 'I hope I don't get stomach cramps again. I really should be more thoughtful about my eating habits, ' she thought, feeling worried about her health.

The more she thought about food, the harder it became to tolerate the hunger eating at her insides. Her stomach growled as though it were complaining and she squirmed on the floor to try to silence the rumbling. Famished and light-headed from the gnawing hunger, she felt tiny beads of sweat form on her forehead.

Without a conscious thought, she covered her belly with her hands hoping to provide even the slightest bit of comfort to herself.

Soon, the voices in her head were telling her to leave, instead of struggling with hunger and stomachache. 'Why would you be so stupid to suffer for a man? Why don't you just walk away and let him do in whatever way he wants to do? Is he really worth the price you are paying for him?' Even in a daze, however, she was taken back to what Rex had said to her the other night. Ever since that day, his words had been haunting Holley, and she trembled every time she was reminded of the thought.

She didn't have the nerve to imagine what would happen if Rex were to keep his promises. 'What if…

Black said something to Rex? If he thought that I had secretly kept in touch with Charles, he would completely lose it. No! I have to fix this before something bad happens!'

Although, the negative thoughts did nothing to improve the situation, Holley couldn't stop thinking about the dire consequences. The Hu family had accumulated their fortune with the help of their close connection with gangsters and members of the underworld. If Rex wanted to punish her, she would have no way to escape.

The scary thoughts sent shivers down her spine.

All she could do now was put up with hunger and keep waiting for Black patiently.

As the sky darkened, it became quieter, reflecting a sense of horror. Heavy mist dispersed and swallowed her surroundings. It smothered the greens of the leaves, the grasses and the underbrush. It leached out their color, turning everything the same stony grey as the rock.

If anything, the chilly air made matters worse as she regretted not bringing an overcoat with her to fight off the cold. Dressed lightly in a one-piece dress, she couldn't stop her knees from knocking, despite her best efforts to wrap her arms around her legs.

She found herself encouraged by the darkness to close her eyes and slip away into the depths of unconsciousness, but a pair of bright, dazzling headlights forced her bleary eyes open.

Excitement pushed her body up, but she squinted her eyes, struggling to adjust to the sudden brightness after being subjected to nothing but darkness for a few hours. By a quick reflex, she raised her arms and blocked the lights, but a tear or two managed to escape from the corners of her eyes.

Much to her delight, it was Black's car and she could see the man she had been waiting for sitting in the driver's seat. However, as she lowered her eyes, she quickly noticed a young woman in low-cut dress, resting her head on his lap. Needless to say, Holley was taken by surprise!

As Black held the woman in his arms, he got out of the car and swung the car door shut. They stumbled their way towards Holley, both of them undeniably drunk. When Black walked close to the door, he found the woman sitting at the corner of the doorway, gazing at him. A grim shadow crossed his face, however, that quickly turned his smile into a bemused frown. Immediately putting on a cold face, Black marched on with the girl in his arms.

Black stopped before Holley, as she looked into his eyes with a rueful expression. Acting as if he didn't know who Holley was, he kissed the charming girl right in front of Holley. Reaching into his pocket, he took out the key and opened the door. Just as he was about to get in, Black cast a disdainful glance at Holley.

"Black, stop!" Holley shouted, as her face turned livid. Infuriated, she gathered the last vestige of her energy to stride ahead, in an attempt to grab Black's arm. However, she failed to realize her feet had gotten paralyzed momentarily as they had been fixed in the same position for a long time. Struggling to find her footing, she stumbled forward for a few inches.

In spite of that, her full attention was on Black and the girl he was holding in his arms. Shrieking with utter displeasure, she complained, "Black, what is this? Who is this girl? Why are you taking her home with you at this hour? How could you kiss her right in front of me?"


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