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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 543

Noticing Gary's hesitation in discussing Autumn, Charlie didn't pursue the topic. After finishing his meal, he got distracted in studying Gary's chessboard. Meanwhile, the old man and Leila sat on the lounge.

"How old is the boy?" asked Gary curiously while gazing at Charlie.

"He's almost four years old," Leila replied calmly. To make her lie more believable, she purposefully made Charlie a year older than he actually was.

"When did you and Charles… get together?" Gary asked with interest. He intended to figure out what was going on between his grandson and this woman. He was extremely satisfied with his great-grandson, who looked exactly like Charles at his age. However, he didn't take kindly to the thought of Charles' cheating on his wife. If he really had a relationship with this woman after marrying Autumn, he would teach him a lesson.

"Grandpa, we never really… dated," Leila said, looking embarrassed. She had a feeling that Charles' grandfather was not a pushover. Trying to act shy, she continued,"It happened when Charles got drunk while we were on a business trip in Europe," she said in a low voice. "He mistook me for Autumn and I didn't resist him because I was infatuated with him. Later, I found myself pregnant with his child."

"Is that so?" There was sarcasm in the old man's voice. Looking up, Leila found Gary looking at her suspiciously.

"Yes," Leila said in a firm voice. "The other day... Mr. Lu got drunk and we…" Leila's voice trailed off intentionally.

Gary snorted, assuming what happened next.

His blood boiled with anger when he heard his grandson repeated his mistake.

'We men from the Lu family have always been loyal to our wives and there is no exception. How can Charles break this old tradition?' he thought angrily.

"I'll teach him a lesson when he comes back," Gary threatened. His eyes were kindling with anger at his grandson's lack of control.

Blood rushed to Leila's cheeks at Gary's word. After a slight hesitation, she said,"Grandpa, it's not his fault. He didn't force me. Besides, it's been more than three years since Autumn left him. He is a virile man with needs…" Her eyes pleaded silently. "I hope you can understand him," she said.

Gary's face turned livid with anger. He threw Leila a scathing look. "Miss Zhang, I prefer you to address me as Mr. Lu. You are not my grandson's wife, so you have no right to call me grandpa."

Hearing Gary's disparaging words, Leila realized that he had no intention of treating her as part of their family.

Blushing with mortification, Leila lowered her head. Chris who was silently listening to their conversation suddenly cut in. "Grandpa, don't be so serious. Leila is going to marry Charles sooner or later. She is like a family," she said in favor of Leila. "I don't see why she can't call you grandpa now," Chris told Gary.

Looking angrily at his grand-daughter, Gary said insultingly,"She can call me grandpa only after she gets married to Charles and not before. I never saw a lady who talked so familiarly on their first meeting."

Feeling seriously chastised, Leila held back her anger. Charles' grandfather was turning out to be a pain in the neck. Smiling sweetly, she turned to Gary saying,"Well, I'm sorry, Mr. Lu, for being familiar on our first meeting."

Witnessing Gary's hostility towards Leila, Chris jumped to her defense. "Grandpa, I brought them here because I wanted you to side with them. I thought you would be happy to see Charles' son. Leila gave him a good upbringing. He is such a well-mannered and smart boy. Why are you treating her like this?" Chris complained.

"Be quiet!" Gary snapped at Chris, looking at her thunderously. "You're married off and this is not your home anymore. So don't meddle in your brother's affairs," he lectured sternly.

"You…" Shock kept Chris from uttering another word. 'I did all this for Charles' sake, but grandpa scolded me like this. He made me look like a fool in front of Leila, ' she thought angrily.


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