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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 544

Gary and Charles wasted no time to bring Chris, who was in labor, to the nearby hospital's emergency room. They were immediately assisted and attended by the doctor and nurses on duty. Upon seeing that Chris's water already broke, they rushed her to the adjacent delivery room..

More than one hour had excruciatingly passed. Very tensed, Gary and Charles sprung out of their seats as both saw the attending doctor came out of the delivery room. The doctor then happily announced that Chris was lucky for normally and safely giving birth to a healthy baby boy. Charles and Gary breathed a deep sigh of relief and rejoiced. Leila and Charlie followed them to the hospital. On hearing the news, Leila felt somewhat envious of Chris.

The hospital staff already transferred Chris into her ward located at the second floor. Before they went to her ward, Charles said to Leila,"It's very late. Take Charlie back now." Then he turned to Charlie and said in an affectionately voice,"Charlie, it's late and you need to sleep. I'll see you tomorrow. Is that okay?"

"Okay," Charlie relied. After a short pause, he added with a hopeful expression,"Dad, I want to learn how to play chess."

"Chess?" Charles sounded somewhat stunned but then voiced his approval and support,"No problem son. I love that you are interested in playing chess. I'll take you to a chess training club tomorrow."

"Thanks, Dad!" Charlie replied gladly. Leila was happy to see the growing affinity between Charlie and Charles.

"I'm going back with Charlie now. See you, Charles," Leila said, looking affectionately at Charles. Charlie would already fall asleep now if he were at home, so Leila had to take him back home.

Charles escorted Leila and Charlie to the taxi waiting area outside the hospital lobby. He hailed a cab, opened the door and let Leila and Charlie go inside. He then returned to Chris' ward after the taxi left. After entering the ward, Charles saw Gary nagging Chris. Charles decided to give them some space. He got out of the room, walked to the lobby and sat on the bench. Back in Chris' room, Gary was still on his sermons. "As an expectant mother, you should have been more careful. Sam would surely blame me if anything bad happened to you."

Seemingly annoyed by his grandfather, Chris fired back in a cold tone,"Please mind your own business." Chris turned her face to the left to avoid facing Gary. Obviously, Chris harbored a grudge against his grandfather who slighted her very recent suggestion of replacing Autumn with Leila by forcing Charles to marry the latter.

Gary knew that for the same reason, his granddaughter was still mad at him. He tried to again reason it out with Chris,"We cannot allow, by any means, an undesirable woman like Leila to marry your brother! Chris, you are a mother now. You should know better and be more understanding."

"But..." Chris tried to counter but then reflected for a moment. 'Indeed, it would also be against my will to marry anyone else other than Sam, ' Chris told herself.

Yet still she reasoned out,"Grandpa, Charles' case is different." Chris tried to expound on her rebuffed suggestion about Leila and Charles. She was convinced she did it out of good will. Then, she faced Gary and in a mild tone uttered,"Leila's child, I supposed that... Charlie would be enough to make Charles move on and forget the traumatic loss of Autumn."

Gary sighed and interjected,"But... it turned out that your 'perfect idea' was rather unacceptable." Gary again sighed and continued,"Charles, your brother, is too stubborn to just blindly accept that suggestion."

From Chris' voice and facial expressions, Gary sensed the sincerity and goodness of her intentions. As he gazed at her granddaughter's pale face, Gary read the growing regrets and helplessness. To break the solemn atmosphere in the room, he spoke,"I have informed Sam of your condition over the phone. He will fly back tomorrow. You need to take a good rest before meeting him."

"I want to see my son right now," Chris intentionally changed the topic and demanded.

Charles who decided to go back to the room, just entered. He heard what Chris said and was quick to reproach her. He prevented Chris from seeing her son.

Chris was too weak to speak loudly. Perplexed, she inquired,"Why? Why can't I see my son?" Her weak baby boy was kept in an incubator due to the premature delivery.

With a mug of hot milk Charles incidentally bought on his way to his sister's room, he served it to Chris, and then declared,"Your son is well taken care of in an incubator. A nurse will bring him to you as his condition stabilizes."

"But Charles, I am dying to see and hold my baby!" she pleaded earnestly.

A strong pity for his sister filled Charles's heart. To pacify her, he had no recourse but to use his cell phone to shoot photos and videos of his nephew while inside the incubatorafter she flipped through the photos and watched the videos of his son.

"Now, please have a sound sleep my dear sister," Charles requested with empathy. He wanted Chris to take a restful sleep so she could restore her energy.


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