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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 598

Charles kept asking her questions. However, he didn't realize how his questions made her feel since Sheryl didn't see herself as Autumn.

All he could think of was that she had forgotten everything about him. He didn't understand what she had gone through in the past three years. Those years represented her life, the only life she knew, and he wasn't acknowledging them.

The entire situation was quite confusing for Sheryl. On one side, she had felt a connection toward Charles from the very first time she saw him, which she couldn't explain. On the other side, what Charles had said just then made her heart ache, as she finally realized that he was not really talking to her but to Autumn.

In fact, as far as she could remember, Charles wasn't the only one to see her as Autumn; Isla and the others did too. 'Do we really look so much alike? How is that possible?' she wondered.

The unsettling thought made her heart even sorer, but she couldn't quite put her finger on the reason why. Maybe it was just that she was mad at Charles for always seeing her as his wife instead of herself.

She wasn't going to accept that any longer! She had to set some boundaries, which meant that moment would be the end of their mingling.

"Who do you think you're talking to, Mr. Lu?" Sheryl questioned him in a hostile manner. With her face curdled into a sneer, she continued,"Are you addressing Autumn Zhao right now?"

Charles was stunned. He didn't know where to begin answering her. How could he explain that she was indeed Autumn when she only knew herself as Sheryl? "No listen, I just ..." Charles managed to let out before she interrupted him.

"Please leave me alone! You keep showing up in front of me, saying that you love me... all that because I look like your wife, right? Well let me tell you something: I'm not her! Please stop daydreaming and get back to reality."

Her response deflated him like a week old balloon. Looking at the serious expression on her face, he steepled his hands together and laid them over his mouth trying to find the right answer. He loved her more than he could bear and her words felt like scores of arrows puncturing his fragile heart.

"Why are you silent? I'm right, huh?" Sheryl persisted coldly. She couldn't realize how wrong she was in her accusations. All she could feel was hurt thinking that Charles was taking her as another woman. She tried to persuade herself that her jealousy was normal, that no one would appreciate being valued only because they reminded others of a person they used to love.

Though she was lying to herself, denying that her jealousy was truly stemming from her attraction towards Charles.

"Mr. Lu, please do not show up in front of me again. You only like me because I remind you of your wife, who left you three years ago. You're finding a replacement for her in me. You're hoping I can heal your wounds, but I can't because I am myself! I am Sheryl Xia, not Autumn Zhao! I am nobody's substitute. So please keep your distance from me!" she finished saying as she turned her back to him, attempting to leave.

"Please wait a minute Sheryl!" Charles exclaimed as he grabbed her by the arm. He admitted that he was indeed talking to his wife, Autumn, but only because Autumn was her, Sheryl. She couldn't remember him just because she had lost all her memories regarding him.

However, Sheryl wasn't patient enough to talk it over or even finish listening to him. She wriggled her arm loose, replying hurriedly,"For starters, we're from two different worlds, Mr. Lu. We might have not met each other had it not been for Charlie. Also, I'm really content with my life right now. I have an adorable daughter and a stable relationship with my fiancé, who is extremely good to me!"

Charles's face turned pale when she mentioned her fiancé. He wasn't sure what to say any longer.

Sheryl paused to get a hold of herself, and then continued on a calmer yet still serious tone,"Remember that, Mr. Lu. I am not your wife, and neither do I want to be. Please, just stop showing up in front of me!"


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