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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 599

"Dad, did you quarrel with Sher?" Charlie was confused so he asked Charles on their way home.

"Why?" Charles asked back. He was holding Charlie's hand while thinking on how to comfort Sheryl.

"Sher seemed not in a good mood when we came," Charlie answered. After thinking for a while, he continued,"She didn't respond to me when I greeted her. Then she told me not to visit the hospital because she was afraid that I might get infected by Shirley. But from her expression, I could tell that it was not what she meant.

So I guessed you two must have quarreled. Am I right?" Charlie asked.

Charles couldn't help but smile bitterly. Even a kid could tell there was something wrong between them. It seemed that Sheryl's annoyance was really obvious.

When Charles didn't answer, Charlie continued,"In soap operas, when two people fought, the man always apologizes first. So dad, I think you should behave like a gentleman and apologize to Sher. After all, she is a woman."

"Okay," Charles agreed with a smile while patting Charlie's head. "Don't worry. I promise, I will apologize to her."

Hearing Charles's words, Charlie flashed a wide grin. Children's way of thinking is simple. In their minds, every problem will have a solution. Quarreling is not a big deal and can easily be solved by an apology.

Back in the ward, Sheryl sat beside Shirley's sickbed absentmindedly. Sensing that something was wrong, Shirley asked cautiously,"Sher, you look unhappy. What's wrong?" Pulling her mind back, Sheryl smiled and said,"Nothing. I'm fine."

"Don't lie to me," Shirley said, unconvinced. "I called your name several times, but you didn't respond. It seemed like your mind was wandering somewhere else. Did you quarrel with Uncle Charles?" she continued.

"Why are you suddenly asking me that question?" Sheryl didn't expect such a question from a little girl. She felt embarrassed.

"I only guessed," Shirley said. "You've been acting weird recently. I found you always hiding yourself from Uncle Charles."

Sheryl was surprised that even Shirley had already noticed it. She replied with a smile,"It's adults' business, don't meddle in it."

Then she tucked Shirley to bed.

"I'm not a little kid anymore," Shirley protested with a frown. "I really couldn't understand why you adults are so moody. Couldn't you be more patient and just explain things clearly to each other?" she complained.

Sheryl couldn't help laughing when she heard Shirley. A little girl was teaching an adult like her.

"When you grow up, you will understand it," she said. "Apologies can't simply solve all problems," she added.

Since Shirley was just a child, she didn't really take the matter seriously. She soon forgot about it and asked Amy to tell her some stories. So after feeding her, Amy began to tell her stories.

It was a long but beautiful fairy tale that even Sheryl enjoyed listening to it while having some snacks.

After a while, Shirley fell asleep so Amy found an opportunity to chat with Sheryl.

Sheryl was clearing the table and was about to clean the utensils but Amy stopped her. "Don't bother Sher, I'd take them home."


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