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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 889

Peggy couldn't resist the big smile that came up on her lips after hearing Anthony profess his love for Sue. This guaranteed her chance to get more money from them, of course, she was more than happy.

She stared at Anthony and happily confirmed his answer, "So that is to say, you will agree on my requirement?"

"Somewhat." Anthony nodded his head slightly. "But I have a condition," he added in a calm voice, and made sure he caught Peggy's attention.

Peggy was already grinning upon hearing Anthony's agreement, thus, she was caught off guard on what he just said. Did he just say that there was a condition? The change in her expression was too hard to miss. "What condition would that be?" Her soft and cheery face hardened as she waited for it to dawn on her.

"You have previously mentioned that a married daughter doesn't belong to her parents anymore," Anthony started as he stared coldly at Peggy. "Should I take it then, that Sue can just forget about her relationship with you if she marries me?"

Peggy seemed confused at what she heard. "What exactly do you mean by that?" she replied with her brows narrowed. 'What is Anthony talking about just now?' Peggy thought. As much as she wanted to marry off Sue to him, she didn't intend to disown her. Of course she would like to keep their ties, otherwise, it would be such a waste not to get a hold of her son-in-law's fortune.

She tried to read Anthony's expression and he looked dead serious on what he wanted. He wanted Sue to break off with her.

Anthony continued, "I would like to marry Sue, not her family. Of course, it will be my responsibility to take care of her once she becomes my wife and the mother of my kid. But you, what does that have to do with you? Sue's encumbrances?" The sarcasm in Anthony's voice resounded in everyone's ears. His words were absolutely offensive and none of them wanted to let it pass.

"What do you mean by that?" Doris couldn't hide her annoyance on what Anthony just said. "Why do you say that we are Sue's encumbrances?" she continued.

Anthony didn't seem to care less. "Aren't you?" he replied in a sarcastic tone. "You showed up at Sue's apartment unannounced and claimed it as your own without the owner's permission. You forced her to move out and stay at a friend's house instead. Now tell me, do you think you have not come across as Sue's encumbrances?

Clearly, if it's money that you want, I can offer that to you," Anthony said in a condescending tone, "but you will need to promise me that you will break off your relationship with Sue afterwards. Your presence is not even required at our wedding ceremony." His voice was cold and mocking. Certainly, he expected these comments would trigger this ungrateful bunch.

"What?" Peggy yelled, unable to control her temper. What she just heard was an insult she couldn't dismiss. She glared at Anthony and asked bitterly, "I beg your pardon? How dare you say that about us? Sue is my daughter and is part of our family. How can you expect us to give her up after your marriage? Don't you think your request is a little crazy?"

She tried her best to continue with composure, "Come to think of it, Sue is now pregnant. What right do you have to keep me from seeing my grandchild?"

"Enough," Anthony cut her off, a sarcastic smile lingering in his lips. "It's not like you value your daughter at all. We both know that you care less on what will happen to her, and now, you are trying to use our marriage for your own gain. You better do what I tell you or you can continue to dream on. I know that you will have a grandchild soon, but don't you dare use seeing Sue's child as an excuse to get what you want. I don't think that you would put my child's best interest on top of your son's," Anthony said with resentment.

Peggy's face turned red as embarrassment filled her. All that he said was true and she had to redeem herself or she'd lose to this battle. "How can you have me pick between my children? I love both Sue and Allen. Of course I would not choose one over the other."

Anthony felt impatient upon hearing another lie and interrupted her immediately, "Stop it!" He glared at Peggy and continued, "You are testing my patience. If you'd agree to my offer, I will send the money to you tomorrow. But if you don't…"

Anthony stopped for a while and gave another sarcastic smile, "I can just take Sue to live with me abroad in a place you can never find." He threatened Peggy by his last remark.

"Mom, please just say yes," Allen urged Peggy to agree to Anthony's term. He was afraid that Anthony would change his mind on giving them the money if this went on. "You never really liked your daughter anyway. It's not a big loss to disown her after her marriage," he hastily said to Peggy.

"Once we get the money, we can do anything we want. I don't see why we are even having this discussion. Just go ahead and disown her," Allen persuaded his mother.

"Yes, what Allen said is definitely true," Anthony confirmed. "You can receive the princely sum of nearly 3 millions if you agree. Just think about it carefully," Anthony said with resentment.

Peggy looked around at each and every person in the room. She initially hesitated on a decision but finally nodded her head. "Okay, I agree to your demands."


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